Scripting In this presentation… –centric’s scripting support. VBScript and JScript. Scripting Editor.


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Presentation transcript:

Scripting In this presentation… –centric’s scripting support. VBScript and JScript. Scripting Editor.

Scripting New scripting support –centric 8 offers a full scripting environment supporting both VBScript and JScript. –Add new functionality. –Integrate with third party applications.

Scripting New scripting support (cont’d) –Mix any combination of looksoftware macros, JScript and VBScript. –Scripting environment provides intellisense prompting, syntax checking and object model access, and method support. –Integrated debugging supports breakpoints, watch variables, stepped execution and execution contexts (Microsoft Script Debugging needs to be installed).

Scripting Scripts –A program that contains a set of scripting commands. –More powerful than macros as they allow you to use objects that other users have created. –centric 8 supports both VBScript and JScript. –For further information on VBScript and Jscript visit the language reference manuals at Microsoft’s MSDN website.

Scripting Script Editor –Used to: Define scripts associated with Designer controls. Integrate with third party applications. Set the properties of controls on the current screen. Controlling interface navigation. Overriding instance level properties. Manipulating custom variables. Linking scripts to events.

Scripting centric’s Object Model –Objects An object can be viewed as a container for properties, events and methods. –Properties Objects generally have properties. A property has a name, such as Caption, and it also has a Type such a string. The name is what the property is referred to as when using it via scripting or macros. –Events In order to respond to events occurring to objects at runtime, objects need a way of telling something has happened. This is done through the concept of Events. –Methods Objects can also have methods. A method is like a function or procedure that can be called from a macro or script to perform some specific functionality on the object.

Scripting Scripting Fundamentals –Scripts are executed top to bottom unless flow constructs are used (if or for). –Scripts may also have functions (JScript) or procedures (VBScript). –Call script functions/procedures from your scripts or they can be called in response to a centric event. –To call a function/procedure specify the script name then add a (.) dot, and then follow with the function/procedure name. for(i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { MsgBox(i); } In VBScript, you would use: for i = 1 to 10 MsgBox I next

Summary –New scripting editor supports VBScript and JScript. –More powerful than macros as they allow you to use objects that other users have created.

centric 8 Training Workshop 2