What do you notice/know about these pairs of organisms? Barnacle/whale Clown fish/anemone Bird/tree Dog/flea Horshoecrab/shorebird Deer/tick Shark/cleaner fish Cowbird/buffalo
Symbiosis When two species of organisms live in close physical contact with each other.
Commensalism A relationship in which one species gets food or shelter from another species without seriously harming that organism or providing any benefits in return.
Mutualism A relationship in which two different species live in a symbiotic way where both species benefit and are dependent upon the relationship.
Parasitism A relationship between two species in which one species (the parasite) nourishes itself to the harm of the other species (the host). (One is helped, one is harmed).
Summarize When I tell you to: CALL OUT, in the order of the slides, the THREE types of Symbiosis!!! Remember: Not too loud, not too soft, not too fast, and not too slow.
Putting it all together!!! Now, we will watch some video clips that portray ‘symbiotic relationships’. You need to take FOUR (4)-Column Notes in your journal during the videos.
Putting it all together!!! Pick a partner, next to you OR beside you. Decide who is going to be “A” and who is going to be “B”. Partner A: Tell B the definition of Commensalism. Partner B: Give A any example of Commensalism that you can think of. Write it on the whiteboard!
Putting it all together!!! Pick a partner, next to you OR beside you. Partner B: Tell A the definition of Mutualism. Partner A: Give B any example of Mutualism that you can think of. Write it on the whiteboard!
Putting it all together!!! Pick a partner, next to you OR beside you. Partner A: Tell B the definition of Parasitism. Partner B: Give A any example of Parasitism that you can think of. Write it on the whiteboard!
Talk to your “partner”. Make sure you BOTH know the answer to the Essential Question! EQ: What is the difference between commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism?
Answer on your own. Write answers on BACK of Symbiosis Data Table 1.What is the difference between commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism? (Make three columns). 2.Give ONE example of commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. 3.Why is symbiosis important to an ecosystem?