Station One
Compare/Make Inferences/Analyze 1. Read line What statement shows how Soto feels about the work he’s doing? 2. What change occurred in his attitude since he first arrived at the farm? 3. Reread lines What does Soto mean when he says, “I worked like a magician.” 4. On a piece of white paper create a chart like the one below: sight hearing taste touch The above chart will help you to identify sensory details. Read the paragraph beginning on page 182. List on the chart the sensory details you find in that paragraph. Reread lines List on your chart the sensory details that help you imagine how Tejano looks and sounds.
Station Two
Draw Conclusions What type of agricultural work does Soto prefer? On white paper draw your conclusion (job he prefers). Write the following on the note card provided: Based on ________ and _____________ I believe Gary Soto thinks of agricultural work as _________________________.
Station Three
Station Three – Critical Vocabulary Copy on notebook paper and complete the Critical Vocabulary and Vocabulary Strategy on page 417 in your text book. Upon completion turn in to Mrs. Plexico for a daily grade. Make sure you complete 1-8 at the top of the page. Make sure you draw a chart and complete all the required sections of the chart as given to you at the bottom of page.
Station Four
1. Determine as a group what the central idea of the story. What is the main message? What does Soto want to communicate? 2. In the center of your poster write the central idea. (keep it short). Then around your writing create a collage of words and images that illustrate the Central Idea. You may use words, images, or photos to create the collage.
Station Five
Language Conventions-Semi Colon 1. Read silently page As a group read the “use a semicolon Chart”. 3. As a croup create a rap for the SemiColon uses!