Make HTML5 Magazine from PDF/Photos/Office Files
Why Create HTML5 Magazines Bright Future of Mobile E-commerce According to statistics of Google, mobile e-commerce sales grew rapidly from 2.2 billion in 2010 to 42.8 billion in These datas show that there are increasing people purchase on mobile phones and tablets. HTML5 supports Android and iOS Apps While Android and iOS declares that Flash is out of service on their mobile devices, HTML5 becomes the common way of presenting multimedia such as video, music, dynamic content etc on webpage.
Screenshot of Digital Magazines made by Kvisoft
Why Choose Kvisoft FlipBook Maker Realistic page flipping HTML5 magazine Magazines made by Kvisoft HTML5 flipbook software can create digital magazines of page flipping animation. iPad and mobile phone readers can flip magazine pages like turn over paper books.HTML5 flipbook software Create unlimited publications for ever The registered users can use Kvisoft flipbook maker create digital magazines, catalogs, eBooks etc without code and quantity limitation. Forever usage! Save cost in distribution and eco-friendly Upload and publish the HTML5 magazines on website, blog sites or Google Drive, you can deliver the content to global digital audience online. Or you can distribute magazine to target audience offline by , CD, Executable file etc.
Make HTML5 Magazines in Just 4 Steps Import PDF/Photos/Office Document Customize magazine template and scene Insert media to magazine pages Output HTML5 magazines All the creation process requires no code, so anyone even kids can use Kvisoft Windows or Mac FlipBook Software for making digital magazines. All the settings and design can be done easily with mouse clicks or drag and drop.Mac FlipBook Software
Main Features of HTML5 Magazine Made by Kvisoft Turn magazine pages like a virtual book Can flip pages from right to left, left to right Can make a magazine of animated background image and music Fit all screens with zoom in and zoom out Magazine authors can embed magazine on website, wordpress, Facebook etc… To know more powerful features of Kvisoft HTML5 digital magazine software by click the link.HTML5 digital magazine software