Make Your Dreams Come True
Remember: The little things you do matter. Your attitude is everything. The present moment is all you have. It takes small steps to get where you’re going. Failure can be your friend. Good habits are your best friend. You are always learning.
For any goal to come true: 1. You must picture it vividly Once you have a clear, vivid picture imprinted in your mind, you’ll find a route to get there. It doesn’t work the other way around—you don’t pick out roads that look good and hope they’ll take you to the right place. Destination has to come first.
2. Make your dreams as specific as possible. “What exactly?” Not “Get good grades next year.” But “Go from a C average to a B average.”
3. When will you accomplish your dreams? “By When?” It is easy to put things off until later. Goals are dream with deadlines.
4. Look at it every day. Life is a marathon. It’s not a matter of the first step or even the second. There are thousands of steps that follow when you work toward your goals and each one gives you the opportunity to get off course and lose your way. Create a declaration, a simple positive statement, about achieving your dream.
5. Start with a plan. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you need a perfect plan. The point is to simply come up with a plan that will get you started.
6. Don’t Quit on yourself. Steady wins the race. Use your momentum. A body at rest tends to stay at rest. A body in motion tends to stay in motion. That’s why the small things you do every day are so important. Once you’re in motion it is easy to stay in motion. Once you stop it is hard to get going again.
“If God had meant man to fly, he would have given him wings.” -- Bishop Milton Wright 1890
Thirteen years after Bishop Wright preached that sermon his two sons, Wilbur and Orville Wright, built and flew the first successful airplane.
The Wright brothers somehow knew a truth that most people never realize: Man was meant to fly; that’s why he has wings. But as we grow up, most of us have forgotten we have them. It is time for you to regain your wings and use them to soar as high as you want.
Create A Dream Board/Book One way to make your dreams vivid is to find pictures that represent the things you want to accomplish and make them into a collage. You can cut pictures out of magazines, print them off the internet, or take photos. Arrange them on a board or in a book. Look at them every day.