Welcome to Term 2 Week 2, each week we will try place a slide show of what we have been up to at St Joseph’s and try and answer some of your questions. Bookfair T2W2 Did you know you can come into the school hall from 8:30 to 3:30 and purchase a book for your child? If you can not make it in due to work commitments you can order them online BUT make sure you go to the BOOKFAIR section complete it BEFORE the Book Fair ends. The information is available in the scholastic Book Fair pamphlet sent home earlier in the week. If it is too late this time, we have another Book Fair in October. All commissions from the books sold at the Book Fair go to the school Library to purchase new books and resources for the school. Cootamundra touch trials T2W2 Some of our year 5 and 6 students tried out for touch footy. Netball T2W2 Some very excited and enthusiastic seniors played netball this week. As seen in the newsletter. Next week we will have some Mother’s Day Stall, Biggest Morning Tea and Liturgy photos. If you have any photos of events please them to so we can try and include them.
Our winners and grinners of the prizes from Mrs Quill and the Cranky Bear.
The Very Cranky Bear Book Fair T2W2 2016
Touch Trials Cootamundra
Netball 2016