Massapequa Kiwanis Club A Hands-On Community Service Organization
Massapequa Kiwanis Tremendous group of men and women Flags (800)- 4 th of July, Memorial Day, LI police officer was killed Events- Bocce, Golf, Bowling etc. Builders- Handicapped ramps, berms coming into Massapequa, anything the community needs Donations to over 40 organizations Support financially and with man power-All the traditional school organizations – Key Club, Builders Club, Circle K, Camp Kiwanis etc.
Statistics In NY one person dies every 19 minutes Nationally, in 2014 almost 10,000 people died from heroin overdose- 4x higher than in 2000 Deaths from heroin overdoses across the nation also escalated 175 percent between 2010 and 2014 In 2013, 8,260 people died from heroin, which quintupled from the year The number of deaths from prescription opioid pain relievers has increased three-fold from 2000 to 2014 to over 16,000 people. 9 of 10 people with addictions started using substances before they were 18 Arrests are on the rise in every one of our communities – 24% of all drug arrests are heroin related
Statistics- Cont. Estimated 20.4% of Americans have used some illicit drug in the last 30 days 9% of all persons over 12 are involved in some use of illegal or non – medical prescription drugs. Most commonly misused illegal drugs- Heroin, (Snorted, smoked and injected), Methamphetamine, Marijuana ( mixed with Heroin and meth crystals), Cocaine, Hallucinogens-mushrooms, LSD, Ecstasy/XTC(synthetic), inhalants Alcohol- Urban legends--—experimentation(eyeballing and tampons) And we are still counting in 2015 There are 100’s of statistics that will shock you
Why teens use drugs To escape or self medicate- parental issues/divorce, school issues Lack of self – esteem Risk taking/ Thrill seeking Peer Pressure
Why use prescription drugs Less of a stigma The myth that they are safer Easy to obtain Easy to hide Parents less likely to get angry
8 Point Drug/Community Awareness Program Booklet 24/7 Live Counselor phone number Drug Guide for Parents Phone app Grammar School Poster Program Junior high and High school role model/poster program Community Involvement Speakers and Webinars School District Involvement
Booklet p
Emergency Resources 24/7 Live Counselor – Other Counseling Centers Central Nassau Guidance & Counseling Long Island Council of Alcohol & Drug Dependences (LICADD) · · Nassau Alliance for Addiction Services (NAFAS) - New York State OASAS North Shore LIJ South Oaks Hospital Comprehensive Outpatient Behavioral Services YES Community Counseling Center
Drug Guide for Parents Phone App Download the FREE “Drug Guide for Parents” app! This app offered by Partnership for Drug-Free Kids is a comprehensive, up-to-date information on the drugs most commonly abused by teens. Help prevent teen drug and alcohol abuse by downloading the app today. To find out more go to p
Poster Program p Winners of the Massapequa Schools Anti-Drug Poster Contest
Role Model Program p
Community Involvement p
Community Involvement Drug Free Zone program – in retail store poster program Community events- Street fairs, Kiwanis events, Parades etc. Tying in other local Massapequa organizations to get out info and 24/7 number Coming soon-Pilot program-- Signage- with a number to text when you see something to report
Speaker/Webinars Speaker Series Motivational Communication with your child Educational – how, when and why of drug use Community – Drug activity/Police In home webinars p
School District Involvement In school distribution of booklet School Notifications through Text, & Social Media. p
Contact Info If you feel this program will help your Kiwanis Club or your community, please contact Robert Thompson at or call