PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS Drugs that affect the central nervous system
Categories Stimulants Depressants Opiates Hallucinogens Inhalants Club Drugs
White powder made from the coca bush Once an ingredient found in the soft drink coke Some medical value as an anesthetic, however it has been replaced by newer, stronger anesthetics that have less side effects. Smoked, snorted/sniffed, injected, swallowed STIMULANTS
Barbiturates Sedatives or anesthetics that can cause mood changes, excessive sleepiness, and coma if abused Used to induce sleep and/or reduce anxiety Can produce physiological and psychological dependence. GHB (gamma hydroxybutyric acid) Rohypnol (roofies) DEPRESSANTS
Tranquilizers Used to reduce muscle activity, coordination, and attention span Antianxiety tranquilizers Valium Antipsychotic tranquilizers Used to treat severe mental disorders like schizophrenia Help control violent behavior by decreasing brain activity DEPRESSANTS
“Angel Dust” Prepared synthetically Effects Time passes slowly Body movements slow down Sensations of touch and pain are dulled ◦ Drown in shallow water ◦ Died in fires and couldn’t feel the pain HALLUCINOGENS
Hashish Dark brown resin from top of plant which is stronger than marijuana. Extremely high levels of THC Hemp Fiber from marijuana plant Possible industrial uses Extremely low levels of THC HALLUCINOGENS
Inhalants Sniffed/inhaled to give a hallucinogenic high Most inhalants depress the central nervous system Effects Loss of balance Impaired judgment Similar symptoms to feeling drunk Consequences Nausea, sneezing, fatigue Nosebleeds Liver and kidney damage Permanent brain damage Glue, varnishes, aerosols, gas, etc.
Ecstasy (MDMA) Rohypnol (roofies) Sedative that is colorless, odorless, & tasteless GHB Depressant also used as a date rape drug Ketamine Anesthetic used to treat animals. Causes hallucinations Meth LSD