GEOSS Model Based System Engineering Challenge team report for GEOSS AIP-6 By Lawrence E. McGovern, DSC INCOSE/WYLE Aerospace/Timothy Woodard, Tellus /Kenneth Druce, DCS Corp
Agenda for INCOSE GEOSS MBSE report Societal Benefit Area(SBA) Alignment and Support effort – Development of RM-ODP Five Viewpoints for each AIP-6 Societal Based Areas (SBA) Agriculture, Disaster Management/Water Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (sUAV) effort to develop processes for collection of data and provide it to user via GEOSS
RMP-ODP Standards ITU-T Rec. X.901-X.904 ISO/IEC View Model Viewpoints addressed Volume 3 Joint effort by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the International Electromechanical Commission (IEC) and the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T)
RM-ODP Viewpoints and Modeling Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) reference model in computer science coordinating framework for the standardization of open distributing processing (ODP) It supports distribution, Internet working, platform and technology independence, and portability, together with an enterprise architecture framework for the specification of ODP systems
ODP Frameworks Descriptions The RM-ODP framework provides five generic and complementary viewpoints on the system and its environment: 1.Enterprise viewpoint - focuses on the purpose, scope and policies for the system 2.Information viewpoint - focuses on the semantics of the information and the information processing performed 3.Computational viewpoint - enables distribution through functional decomposition on the system into objects which interact at interfaces 4.Engineering viewpoint - focuses on the mechanisms and functions required to support distributed interactions between objects in the system 5.Technology viewpoint - focuses on the choice of technology of the system
Enterprise View Use Case Realization process creates – Use case Diagram – Activity Diagram steps of the Use Case Narrative become activities in the activity diagram – Sequence Diagram – These diagrams were completed in AIP-5
Transverse Use Case Realization Steps in use cases are defined by the Transverse use groups Use Cases will be subject to a Realization process that will yield an Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram that will be part of the RM-ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Transverse Use Cases provide for the Registering of data in Clearinghouse, Discover and Get Access and allowing User to Access Data from the provider These will be captured in AIP-6
Information Viewpoint – Focuses on the semantics of the information and the information processing performed – Describes the information managed by the system – Describes the structure and content type of the supporting data – These diagrams were completed in AIP-5
Computational View Computational viewpoint enables distribution through functional decomposition of the system into objects which interact at interfaces describes the functionality provided by the system and its functional decomposition Modeled as SysML Block Definition Diagram (BDD) employs the concept of blocks to specify hierarchies and interconnection within a system design describes relationships between blocks such as composition, association, and specialization used as the object template Block Diagram
Computational View – Object Template
Engineering Viewpoint Engineering viewpoint focuses on the mechanisms and functions required to support distributed interactions between objects in the system describes the distribution of processing performed by the system to manage the information and provide functionality Modeled as an Internal Block Diagram (IBD) that has as it’s source a SysML BDD as shown in Computational View.
Engineering Components Engineering view identifies types of components to support deployment and management of distributed interaction between the components and are consistent with Enterprise viewpoints GEOSS is part of a System of Systems Components are part of a service layer in a three tier model. Top used by users directly, Middle has business processes that respond to requests by clients and lower provides read/write access to data
Engineering View
Technology Viewpoint Technology viewpoint – focuses on the choice of technology of the system. – Describes the technologies chosen to provide the processing, functionality and presentation of information. – Modeled using the Deployment Diagram
Technology Viewpoint Example- Deployment Diagram
Small UAV Effort Progress Considering Two Platform Options: – Rotary: Advantages: Portable, Maneuverability, Customizable Disadvantages: Less Endurance Fixed Wing: Advantages: Long flight times Disadvantages: Must maintain horizontal motion therefore less maneuverable
Agriculture SBA Disaster SBA Drought Monitoring Precision Management of Inputs: Fertilizer Pesticides Seed Water Distribution and Management Stand and Crop Assessments Rapid, High Resolution Site Mapping 2D and 3D Imaging Portable Platforms Capable of Being Equipped with Various Sensors Can be Operated in Very Close Proximity to Target Structures Two Platforms: RotaryFixed Wing
Small UAV Effort Progress Preparation of 3 Minute video by September 2013 – Joint USIS/INCOSE effort – Will be presented to GEO Ministers (80 Countries) at GEO Plenary in Geneva, Switzerland January 2013 – First version of Video is provided next and is narrated and depicts an entire flight sequence showing how a flight to collect drought data would be conducted – The scenario of Drought covers the Disaster management/Agriculture/ and Water SBAs
Final Engineering Report The sUAV team will prepare and deliver the 3 minute Video for the Ministers meeting and work with INCOSE to model sUAV Architecture model The Architecture team will: – share the viewpoint results with each SBA team – resolve any changes required to viewpoint products – produce a final engineering report include the results of all Viewpoints for – SBA Use Cases and Transverse Use Cases