Next steps for SafeMontana Hit Red Volunteer Button and put your info in to help Collect 20 or more valid Montana Registered Voters Signature in your voter’s district for 2016 Ballot initiative by March Hit Yellow Donate button and help Raise $500,000 for media campaign to stop legalization of marijuana in Montana and Vote for “2016 I-176 “No to Illegal Drugs” Ballot Initiative. Go to SafeMontana.com and Volunteer to collect signatures and contribute! It all helps! Or call Steve Zabawa to help: Now! 1/4/20152
2016 “No to Illegal Drugs” I-176 Ballot Initiative “SafeMontana for Happy Healthy Motivated Families” Keeping Montana families safe from illegal drugs … No Colorado Craziness! Making it harder for students to have access to illegal drugs. No Legalization of Illegal FDA Schedule 1 Drugs. Repeals The Montana Marijuana Act Run Medical Marijuana through normal Federal medicinal protocol procedures … FDA approved. Test, Measure, Prescribe, Monitor, and Register It ! “Safety of Montana’s Kids a TOP PRIORITY” 1/4/20153
2016 I-176 “No to Illegal Drugs” SafeMontana Ballot Initiative SafeMontana Vote YES! Drugs are Federally Regulated: No State Involvement. Clarity: No ambiguity between Federal, State, and City Law. No recreational use of any Schedule 1 Drugs. Safe Happy Healthy Motivated Families! 2011 SB423 MM “Side Boards” no longer needed. Law still held up in court as unconstitutional. Federal FDA medical marijuana is approved in all 50 states with more products coming. Marinol and Cesamet FDA approved and Sativex FDA FastTrack. No need for Montana to be involved in unregulated medical marijuana…lot’s of exposure…untested! UnSafeMontana Vote No! Unregulated Federal Illegal DrugsNobody cares attitude (unmonitored by State)No prescription or supervision of Doctor required.No rules (Buzzed Driving and growing pot at home!)Legalize Schedule 1 Pot: Is the next step Meth?Easier access to illegal drugsIncreasing High School dropout rateDestruction of lives, families and communities More addiction less ambition 1/4/20154
Why Champion SafeMontana? It is the right thing to do for our kids and families. Next SafeUnitedStates! Montana’s Democrat, Independent and Republican families do not want illegal drugs. Loud and Clear. Safe Happy Healthy Motivated Families! Illegal drugs harm anyone that uses them in so many ways: Medical issues including possible loss of life. Loss of ambition and focus on healthy life choices. Can lead to lifetime habit/addiction, which normally leads to the deterioration of family, business/school and spiritual relationships. Make access to illegal drugs harder to get! No Colorado Craziness in Montana, we already experienced this in in our state. Protect our Borders/Families. 1/4/20155