T700 ENGINE – LEFT HAND SIDE ACTUATOR/CRANKSHAFT ASSEMBLY FOR VARIABLE GEOMETRY SYSTEM AISBV Actuates automatically to provide bleed functions at approx 88-92% Ng or 30% Tq Will open below 88-92% Ng and close above IPS THERMO-COUPLE HARNESS (TGT) FUEL INJECTORS(12) IGNITORS(2) FRONT Eng Inlet Anti Ice Port Eng Anti-Ice ECU: Np Governing to maintain constant Power Turbine and Rotor RPM Load Share Comparator(keeps tq within 5% by adjust low eng Np up to 3% TGT Limit Amplifier(limits TGT to 834-852 deg), inop during Eng Start, Lockout, Compressor Stall and Alternator Failure Tq Motor Amplifier – actuates Tq Motor in HMU to bias metering valve and also receives feedback signal from Linear Variable Differential Transducer in HMU Np Overspeed Switch to actuate Overspeed Solenoid – backup power from AC Primary Bus History Recorder – records TGT and Ng and is used to track life of GG and IPS (backup power from AC Primary Bus) Conditioning and Transfer to cockpit of Tq and Np Signals. Np Reference for Np Trim Switch 96-101% with Pilot Side having authority Np SENSOR
T700 ENGINE – FRONT VIEW RIGHT LEFT OIL PUMP OIL FILTER 6 Scavenge Elements 1 Pressure Element OIL FILTER BYPASS SWITCH ( >80 PSI) OIL FILTER *44-60PSI filter button pops 60-80PSI = light in cockpit >80PSI will actually bypass * Oil Filter Impending Bypass button deactivated below 38 deg) OIL TEMP/ PRESSURE SENSE (NOT VISIBLE) Pressure Light on at 20 PSI Temp Light on at 150 deg C COLD OIL RELIEF Filter Cooler CHIP DETECTOR (OIL) - no Fuzz burn 4. OIL COOLER ALTERNATOR -1 Winding for Ng Signal 1 Winding for ECU Power 1 Winding for Engine Ignition FUEL FILTER BYPASS SWITCH (18-22 PSI) HISTORY DATA RECORDER Records TGT and Ng. Backup power from AC Primary Bus 1. ENG DRIVEN FUEL PUMP(45-90 PSI) 2. FUEL FILTER GREEN – Engine to airframe interface BLUE – Np Overspeed and Tq Indication systems YELLOW – Engine Electrical Functions BLACK – Engine Ignition 5TH STAGE AIR FOR ENG ANTI - ICE SWIRL FRAME -Initial Stage of air purification RIGHT LEFT ENGINE FUEL FLOW 1 Eng Driven Fuel Pump 2 Fuel Filter 3 HMU(next page) 4 Liquid to Liquid Oil Cooler 5 POU(next page) T700 ENGINE – FRONT VIEW
T700 ENGINE – REAR VIEW IPS 3. HMU PNEUMATIC STARTER 5. POU PAS LDS Swirl Frame on eng inlet directs contaminated air to outside of eng inlet. 85% of inlet air travels direct to compressor. Other 15%(dirty) is directed to IPS. Use centrifugal force to separate heavy, contaminated particles. Dirty Air dumped overboard. Mechanically driven by AGB Not effective at low Ng or on Sheet Ice Shed from Windshield due to Ady Qualities of the ice. 3. HMU Pumps Fuel via high pressure Vane Pump(400-832 PSI) Meters Fuel via PAS, LDS and ECU. ECU inputs actioned by Tq Motor inside HMU) Controls VG and VIGV’s via Actuator Shaft Controls AISBV via Actuator Shaft Limits Accel and Decel of engine to prevent Compressor Stall/Flameout Controls Vapor Vent for Manual Fuel Prime Allows PAS over-ride by mechanically passing all Tq Motor Inputs when PCL advanced full forward ie ECU Lockout PNEUMATIC STARTER -30,000 rpm at max Ng -Driven by APU, Other Engine or Ext Source. - Eng Start Valves air actuated, elec controlled 5. POU Meters Start Fuel (outlet to Start Fuel Manifold and 2 primer nozzles) Meters Main Fuel Flow(outlet to main fuel manifold and 12 injectors) Purges(via P3 air) Start, Main fuel manifolds as well as injectors and primers(outlet overboard) On command from ECU limits fuel flow to prevent Np Overspeed(106+/-1%) PAS Sets max pwr avail sched. Set max pwr limits that may never be exceeded by Collective. LDS Adjust Load Demand schedule. Adjusts fuel flow simultaneously with Coll TQ and O/S SENSOR -sends signal to ECU for conditioning then to SDC and cockpit -O/S signal used by ECU to adjust POU Np SENSOR -sends signal to ECU for conditioning then to SDC and cockpit LEFT RIGHT T700 ENGINE – REAR VIEW
T700 ENGINE(1546 SHP) – RIGHT HAND SIDE TGT (T4.5) Thermocouples(7) 0-775 Deg C Normal 775-850 Deg 30 min Limit 850 deg – Start Abort 850 – 886 deg 12 Sec Limit Centrifugal Compressor Single Stage - 5th Stage Air(P3) air for AISBV air for Eng Inlet Anti Ice Air for Pneumatic Manifold(X-bleed Start) Air for purging Air for Cockpit Heat and ERFS Pneumatic Starter for X-bleed start must have min 90%Ng, 100%Np and Eng Anti Ice Light Off. At least 60 sec b/n each start cycle 15 deg C and below 2 consecutive start followed by 3 min rest then 2 addn starts followed by 30 mins Above 15 deg C -2 consecutive start cycles followed by 30 min rest COMBUSTION LINER 12 FUEL INJECTORS 2 PRIMER NOZZLES 2 IGNITORS PAS LDS FRONT REAR TQ Sensor 0 –100% Dual Cont 0 – 110% Single Cont 100-125% Dual 12 Sec Transient 110-135% Single 12 Sec Transient Np Overspeed Sensor – 106+/-1% Np Turbine Min 91% except idle/transient 95-101% Cont 101-105% Transient 105-107% 12 Sec Transient (avoid 20-40 and 60-90%) -2 STAGE -100% = 20900RPM -Uses 25% of combustion energy NG Turbine 0-99% Cont 99-102% 30 min 102-105% 12 sec -2 STAGE -29000 (idle 63%) –44700 RPM (100%) -Uses 75% of combustion energy Axial Compressor -5 STAGE Comp Ratio of Axial Comp 7:1 Comp ratio of both Axial and Centr 17:1 T700 ENGINE(1546 SHP) – RIGHT HAND SIDE