Project Management in Marketing Deirdre Makepeace Level Verifier – Professional Diploma Assignment brief June and September 2014
Presentation Objectives What is required for this assignment. Generic mark scheme. The syllabus. Instructions task by task. Secrets for success.
Option One –A short term project involving any or all things mobile that will improve or integrate with your existing marketing operations. –A short term project involving sponsorship that will improve or integrate with your existing marketing operations. Option Two Project Management in Marketing
Generic Mark Scheme – Professional Diploma EvaluationPresentation ApplicationConcept 30% 10%
A word about words… Outline Explain Assess Analyse Evaluate Critically analyse Recommend
Syllabus – Project Management in Marketing Critically assessing information and sources. Developing a project brief. Presenting data and making recommendations. Information to develop a justified case (15%) Defining project objectives and defining marketing potential. Assessing organisational competencies, resources and attitudes to risks. Presenting the business case for consultation. Building a business case for a project (20%) Types of risk and evaluation of risk assessment. Designing a risk management programme. Mitigating, monitoring, reporting and controlling risk. Managing and mitigating risk (25%) Types of projects and culture of project planning. Developing the main stages of a project plan. Tools and techniques for planning, scheduling and evaluating effectiveness. Managing the project (40%)
Assessment Structure Task One: The Context (12 marks) –Gathering all of the information that will be the foundation for the business case. Task Two: The Business Case (18 marks) –Presenting a business case for the marketing project that will solve the underlying problem or need. Task Three: Risk Management (22 marks) –Analysing and managing risk. Task Four: The Project Plan (38 marks) –Project planning and scheduling, milestones, resources and evaluation. Format and presentation (10 marks)
Task One: Context Information needs, requirements and sources. Presentation of all relevant data which will support the business case. Summary of the key issues relative to the identified scenario or underlying business problem or need. Recognition of the current information gaps relative to the business problem or need.
Task Two: The Business Case Critical analysis of the key issues identified in task one. Identification of the associated organisational risks in context. Assessment of all resource capacity, capability relative to the proposed project. Justified proposals complete with a robust cost benefit analysis and evaluation of how the proposals will support and enhance current marketing operations.
Task Three: Risk The potential impact of identified risks. Proposed risk mitigation/control programme. The benefits of introducing a culture of risk management to the organisation.
Task Four: The Project Plan Utilise appropriate tools and techniques for project planning and management. Recommendation and justification for methodology employed. Detailed work breakdown with timelines, deliverables and milestones. Project budgets. An assessment of the evaluation techniques you will use to determine success or failure.
Project planning process Data requirement, collection & presentation Justified business case to include cost benefit analysis Critical analysis of risk and risk management A practical, detailed and justified project plan with evaluation
Complete Project Plan All stages In context The Critical Success Cogs
Format and presentation Professional tone and relevance to task. Executive Summary. Word Count. Appendices. 2 page background to the organisation. Plagiarism and referencing.
Resources Study Text Core Texts Full reading list: Senior Examiner reports:
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