HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 1 Chapter 1 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY Section 1: Why Study Psychology? Section 2: What Psychologists Do Section 3: A History of Psychology Section 4: Contemporary Perspectives
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 2 Chapter 1 Question: What are some of the terms used in psychology? Psychology Study of behavior and mental processes Cognitive Activities Mental processes of dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories Psychological Constructs Ideas/concepts used to talk about something we cannot see, touch, or measure directly Behavior Any observable or measurable action Research Method of collecting data by surveys or experiments Theory Statement to explain why one thinks things are the way they are Principle A rule or law
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 3 Chapter 1 Question: What are the goals of psychology, and how is psychology a science? Section 1: Why Study Psychology? GOALS Observe Describe behavior Explain Predict Control
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 4 Chapter 1 Question: What are the goals of psychology, and how is psychology a science? THE SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGY Psychology is a social science but has its foundation in the natural sciences. It deals with the structure of human society and interactions of individuals who make up society. Section 1: Why Study Psychology?
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 5 Chapter 1 Breakdown of students enrolled in Doctoral programs in Psychology 47.4%
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Opening – Answer the following question in a section of your psychology notes designated for openings. You can write more than one opening answer on one sheet of paper. Who do you think was the first theorist to begin to think about the mind?
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 7 Chapter 1 Clinicalthe largest group; treat psychological problems; conduct experiments; consult and teach Counselingtreat adjustment problems Schooldeal with students who have problems that interfere with learning Educational Psychologist focus on course planning and instructional methods Personality Psychologist identify characteristics or traits Social Psychologist concerned with people ’ s behavior in social situations AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 8 Chapter 1 Experimental Psychologist conduct research into basic processes Industrial & Organizational Psychologist focus on people in work and business Environmental Psychologist focus on ways in which people influence and are influenced by physical environment Consumer Psychologist study the behavior of shoppers to explain and predict behavior Forensic Psychologist are concerned with how psychological problems give rise to criminal behavior Health Psychologist study the ways in which behavior and mental processes are related to physical health AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION (Cont.)
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 9 Question: How has the study of psychology developed over time? PSYCHOLOGY DEVELOPED OVER TIME Began in ancient Greece Socrates Introspection (“know thyself”) Aristotle Associationism Hippocrates
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 10 DEVELOPMENT (Cont) Middle Ages Possession Lunacy Drilling holes Revived during the scientific advances of the 1500s, 1600s and 1700s Really took off in the 1800s.
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 11 DEVELOPMENT (Cont) Important contributers: William Wundt, German 1 st psychology laboratory using scientific method in Leipzig (in 1879) Structuralism: Basic elements of consciousness Basic elements of experience
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Objective: Shape, color, texture, taste Subjective Remember how good it feels to bite into it
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 13 William James Experience is a stream of consciousness 1 st psychology textbook Functionalism Mental processes help ppl adapt to environment Behavior patterns are learned What is the function/purpose of behavior?
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 14 John Watson Agreed with functionalism but focused on importance of learning Consciousness is a private event to an individual Focused only on observable and measurable events (like behavior)
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 15 BF Skinner Expanded on Watson ’ s work Introduced idea of Reinforcement – when an animal is rewarded for a behr, that behr will increase Experiments used rats and pigeons
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 16 Gestalt Means “ shape ” or “ form ” in German Rejects behaviorism Believe learning is active Included psychologists: Köhler, Koffka, and Werthiemer
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 17 Freud Created psychoanalysis Emphasizes importance of unconscious motives and internal conflicts in determining human behavior Probably best known in psychology
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Ticket out the Door In 3 to 5 sentences, describe the differences between structuralism and functionalism.
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Opening Answer the following: 1. Who can be considered the father of psychology? 2. Who used rats and pigeons to demonstrate the concept of reinforcement?
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Work Session – Resume Activity You will choose a psychological figure from a list. Then, you will create a resume based on the example given to you. This can be handwritten, but it must be extremely neat. This is due at the end of class or at the beginning of class tomorrow. Exception: If you want to type it and do not have access to a computer and/or printer, you can have an extra day extension. However, you must show your handwritten copy to Mrs. Harper.
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Opening – 08/12/15 Which area of specialization is the largest group which treats psychological problems? Which area of specialization deals with issues in the workplace?
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Opening - 08/13/14 Pick up a graphic organizer from the front table and get ready to take notes. 22 Chapter 1
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE 23 7 main contemporary perspectives in psychology: Biological – nervous system, glands, hormones, genetic factors Cognitive – interpretation of mental images, thinking, language Humanistic – self-concept Psychodynamic – environmental influences, learning, observational learning Behavior – effects of experience on behavior Sociocultural – ethnicity, gender, culture, socioeconomic status
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Work Session Outrageous Celebrity: Pick the most outrageous celebrity you can think of, past or present. Provide a short list of some of this person’s outrageous behaviors. With a partner, attempt to explain these behaviors from each one of the six approaches for explaining behaviors in psychology. Be creative and the reasoning for their behavior does not have to be true! Jot down your reasons on a piece of paper. Prepare to present.
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Opening – 08/14/15 What are two goals of psychology? Which area of specialization deals with the interpretation of mental images, thinking, and language?
HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON P SYCHOLOGY PRINCIPLES IN PRACTICE Complete the study guide. Test 1 is tomorrow!!! Multiple choice.