LEARNING Dr: Amir El-Fiky.
"Learning is a more or less permanent change in behavior, or a behavioral tendency, as a result of experience."
Classical conditioning is a learning process in which an association is made between a previously neutral stimulus and a stimulus that naturally evokes a response.
In order to understand how classical conditioning works, it is important to be familiar with the basic principles of the process. These are (1) The unconditioned stimulus (2) The conditioned stimulus (3) The unconditioned response (4) The conditioned response.
There are various behavioral patterns associated with classical conditioning. Three of these are: Extinction Stimulus generalization Discrimination
If a specific behavior helped a cat to escape, that behavior was retained by the cat. Thorndike called this process stamping in, meaning that an action that is useful is impressed upon the nervous system.
Thorndike called the tendency to retain what is learned because satisfactory results are obtained the law of effect. Thorndike’s law of effect is the forerunner of what today is usually known as the process of reinforcement.
"It is a learning process in which the probability of response occurring is increased or decreased due to reinforcement or punishment." the underlying idea behind operant conditioning is that the consequences of our actions shape voluntary behavior.
Operant behavior is characterized by actions that have consequences. (i.e. Flick a light switch and the consequence is illumination. Tell a joke and the consequence is (sometimes) the laughter of others). Operant behavior is both acquired and shaped by experience.
operant conditioning apparatus (Skinner box) Operant behavior reinforcer A positive reinforcer A negative reinforcer A primary reinforcer A secondary reinforcer
continuous reinforcement partial reinforcement Random reinforcement Discriminative stimulus
Observational learning takes place when an individual acquires behavior by watching the behavior of a second individual. The second individual is a model
much of our behavior in reference to other people is acquired through observational learning. Both prosocial behavior and antisocial behavior can be acquired through observational learning.
It is a second kind of learning in which consciousness appears to play a large role. The function of reinforcement in this case is to act as an incentive, a stimulus that elicits and brings forth whatever learning the organism has acquired.