Agenda/Announcements Candy Friday! Will your class qualify? 1.Memory Mnemonic Devices 2.(How Memory Works- BBC) HW/ Coming up: Memory Mnemonic Devices due tomorrow! Violent Media Debate Homework Assignment- due Thursday! Read Chapter 9 by Friday! Expect a quiz! Goal(s): To be able to learn memory unit terms better by creating mnemonic devices that make sense to you! Doing bell work differently today!
Violent media debate homework assignment!
Memory Mnemonic Devices Take out your human memory textbook questions handout. Create some kind of a mnemonic device for each of the terms that are on the human memory textbook questions handout. Do this either one of two ways: Write them by the terms on the actual human memory textbook questions handout OR Write them in your notes. Ex. confabulation- You are fab ricating memories (con fab ulation, get it) and therefore confabulation. Think- you are making up memories, as what happens when you fabricate a story. This is due tomorrow at the beginning of class. You can work on this individually or with a partner. If you work with a partner, you each still have to write the mnemonic devices down individually.
How Memory Works- BBC
Thought of the Day How can simulations help you learn material better? * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
Agenda/Announcements 1.Cognitive Learning Notes 2.Work on your study guide HW/ Coming up: Violent Media Debate Homework Assignment- due Thursday! Read Chapter 9 by Friday! Goal(s): Be able to describe the principles of observational and cognitive learning: latent learning, social learning, disinhibition, and learned helplessness. Be able to apply shaping and antisocial/prosocial behavior to everyday life. 1.Work on the bell work.
Let’s share some of your mnemonic devices for memory terms!
Pass these up!
What is learning? A relatively permanent change in behavior.
Cognitive Learning Cognitive learning- you learn by obtaining, processing, and organizing information in particular ways Ex. Thinking about this definition and memorizing it
Draw a picture of your own room right now in your notes please!
Cognitive map Cognitive map- a mental picture of a place Ex. you drawing your room
Latent learning Latent learning- changing your behavior not at the time of the learning, but when you need the information you learned Ex. Knowing where you put the clothes you are wearing this weekend When you rearrange your room, you don’t need to remember what it looks like until you need to find your remote to your TV!
Social learning
Modeling- learning through observing others and then imitating their behavior at/around the same time as when others do it Ex. “wave” Clapping at a concert
Antisocial/Prosocial Models a.Antisocial behavior - negative, destructive, unhelpful behavior
Antisocial/Prosocial Models a.Prosocial behavior – positive, constructive, helpful behavior
Antisocial/Prosocial Models Both types of behavior can be modeled effectively.
Observational learning- learning new behavior through observing others and then imitating new behaviors learned
Disinhibition Disinhibition- easier to engage in a behavior if you see someone else doing it (could be a positive or negative behavior) Ex. watch someone engage in violent acts, and not get in trouble, you are more likely to as well See someone holding snake- you want to as well
Albert Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment on Observational Learning
Thought of the Day What have you learned from your parents through observational learning? Explain how that behavior helps you in your life. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
Agenda/Announcements 1.Cognitive Learning Psych Sims HW/ Coming up: Violent Media Debate Homework Assignment- due tomorrow! Read Chapter 9 by Friday! Goal(s): Be able to describe the principles of observational and cognitive learning. To apply observational and cognitive learning to everyday life. 1. Work on the bell work.
Observational Learning Psych Sims Google Psych Sims Go to the Monkey See, Monkey Do Simulation. Complete it. Go to the Helplessly Hoping Simulation. Complete it. You do NOT have to put my address once you finish each one of these! NO writing assignment, either.
Thought of the Day How can simulations help you learn material better? * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
Agenda/Announcements 1.Violent Media and Its Effects on Violent Real Life Behavior Debate HW/ Coming up: Read chapter 9 by tomorrow! Classical Conditioning Report Homework- due the day of the test! Goal(s): To be able to back up your claims, and argue your point of view, based on the research you have compiled. Being respectful towards one another and understanding that other people can have a different opinion on the same subject. 1. Work on the bell work.
Learned helplessness Learned helplessness- encounter this when you try to control something over and over again, and despite all your hard work and efforts, you feel that your actions don’t make a difference, so you give up
Classical conditioning homework Due the day of the test for this unit!
Take out your violent media debate homework assignment and leave on your desk!
Debate 1.Left to Ms. Bors- if you believe violent TV shows, movies, and video games DO lead to violent and aggressive acts. 2.Move to the right if you don’t. 3.Bring your violent media debate homework assignment with you! 4.Keep in mind we are NOT attacking each other personally, just arguing for your view! It is okay to have a different view on this than someone else does!!! 5.Move your desks to face each other as soon as you move to the proper spot in the room. 6.You will get points for participating! 7.No points for you if you are speaking/interrupting others while they are speaking!
Thought of the Day After the debate, do you still believe the same or was someone or some evidence able to change your view? Explain your answer. Leave your homework, which is the research you have for the discussion, on the side counter. * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks
Agenda/Announcements 1.Candy Friday! 1.Does your class qualify? 2.Brain Games- Logic 3.Myth #18 HW/ Coming up: Read chapter 9 by tomorrow! Classical Conditioning Report Homework- due the day of the test! Goal(s): To critically think about our ability to logically think. 1. Work on the bell work.
Place the bell works from this week on the turn in table.
Brain Games- Logic Season 5: Episode 9
Myth #18 There is a thought of the day question associated with today’s myth.
Thought of the Day Based on the myth you read today, and your personal experience with learning styles, state whether or not you believe in the accuracy of learning styles (or lack thereof). Explain your answer. Please leave the myth #18 reading back on the side counter. Thank you! * 8 th period- please place chairs on top of desks