21 September 2004, Roodeplaat Sub-Directorate: Systems Analysis Directorate: Planning Systems Socio-Economic & Supporting Water Resource Planning Systems (SE&SWRPS) Technical Advisory Group Meeting C Moseki
Welcome and Introduction
Evaluating strategic water resource management challenges Developing resource oriented policies, programmes and assessment tools Providing resource management decision support Role of Water Resource Planning Systems
Developing resource oriented assessment tools and providing resource management decision support Role of Sub directorate: Systems Analysis
Subdirectorate: Systems Analysis Main Work Categories Systems Analysis Detailed Water Resource Assessment Models Broad Scale Water Resource Assessment Software User Support And Information Management Systems SE&SWRPS TAG SCOPE Socio- Economic, Interfacing, Management Systems
Meeting discussing and identifying issues Review progress, raise queries and concerns Provide ideas to guide future work Assist in formulating work priorities Input will support the formulation of work plans and motivation to IWRP Management Role of the Technical Advisory Group
Responsibilities of the Technical Advisory Group Establish user requirements Provide strategic advice on: Current needs Future needs Provide feedback on: Progress reports Technical reports Action plans
Scope of Meeting Feedback and discuss previous queries Feedback and discuss previous queries Present work on SE&SWRPS Present work on SE&SWRPS Current activities Identify future needs Discussion of priorities Discussion of priorities
Structure for Interaction and Information Flow Internal and External Stakeholders Systems Users Head Office Directorates Regional Offices Water Management Institutions Researchers Consultants IWRP Users Group Forum Experts/ Representatives User Support Service Technical Advisory Group Broad Scale Analysis Systems Analysis Supporting WRP Systems Systems Development and Maintenance IWRP Management Sub-Directorate Management and Coordination Systems Analysis Business Plan & Contract approval Steering Committee
Key Issues Information Management Systems Requirements: Information Management Systems Requirements: Population (PesIMS) Population (PesIMS) Projections (PosIMS) Projections (PosIMS) Information Reviews: Information Reviews: IWRP Population Scenarios and Census 2001 IWRP Population Scenarios and Census 2001 Preliminary Updating of Scenarios Preliminary Updating of Scenarios
Agenda DescriptionStart Tim e Welcome and tea8:30 Purpose of meeting9:00 Overview of initiatives in planning systems Rainfall viewer9:15 GIS viewer9:30 Economics viewer9:45 Demographic viewer10:00 Discussion 10:15 Tea10:30 Discussion on new needs (e.g. licensing and scenario analysis) 10:45 Situation assessment model11:30 Systems models Business process analysis12:00 Risk assessment12:15 Lunch12:30 ITEMPRESENTER/FACILITATOR 1.Welcome and Purpose of MeetingC Moseki/MD Watson 2.Feedback on and Discussion of Previous PrioritiesMD Watson 3. Summary of Current Activities BB Wolff-Piggott 4.Socio-Economic Systems: Needs and processR Aird TEA/COFFEE 10:00 5.Population and socio-economic IMS (PesIMS)D Hall 6.Population and socio-economic future scenario system (PosIMS) D Hall 7.Data sets reviewM Potgieter 8.Progress on Comparison of DWAF Projections to Census 2001 M Potgieter 9.User supportD Strydom 10.Prioritisation and Additional RequirementsMD Watson 11.General Discussions and Way forwardMD Watson LUNCH 13:00