Framework of CZM (Coastal and Marine Resources) (Social) (Economic) (Equitable) (Wealthy) (Livable) (Sustainable) Land Mangrove Sea Grasses Coral Reef Sea Life Environment Pollution Land Mangrove Sea Grasses Coral Reef Sea Life Environment Pollution Education Public Health Culture Infrastruc ture Projects Education Public Health Culture Infrastruc ture Projects How to harmonize people and the environment How to share benefit : Interest groups How to share benefit : Interest groups How to up-scale natural resources How to maintain the wealth of natural resources
City and Town Planning Use Act, 1914 Land Pattern for Agriculture Use Act, 1975 National Forest Reserves Act, 1964 The Wild Animals Reservation and Protection Act, 1992 Hinterland Sea Foreshore or tidal flat Sand dunes Wetland Land Development Act, 1983 National Park Act, 1983 Petroleum Act, 1971 Navigation in Thai Waters Act, 1913 Tourism Act, 1979 Enhancement and Conservation of National Environment Quality Act, 1992 Sanitary District Laws Allocation of Land for Social Justice Act, 1954 Control of Building Act, 1979 Land Reform for Agriculture Act, 1992 Land for Livelihood Act, 1968 City and Town Planning Act, 1975 Land Code of Thailand, 1954 Forest Act, 1941 Fisheries Act, 1947 Minerals Act, 1967 Land
Living Resources Non–Living Resources Processes & Activities National Security Council Thai Marine Policy & Restoration Board National Environmental Council MoNRE / DMCR / RFD / DNP / ONEP MoAC / DoF / DoA Provincial Governments Tambon / Tessaban Ministry of Interior Ministry of Industry Ministry of Energy Ministry of Transportation Ministry of Tourism & Sport Royal Thai Navy Port Authority MoNRE: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, DMCR: Department of Marine and Coastal Resources, RFD: Royal Forest Department, DNP: Department of National Park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation, ONEP: Office of Natural Environmental Planning, MoAC: Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, DoF: Department of Fisheries, DoA: Department of Agriculture
Empower local authorities and coastal communities to conserve and manage coastal And marine resources and the environment. E m p o w e r l o c a l a u t h o r i t i e s a n d c o a s t a l c o m m u n i t i e s t o c o n s e r v e a n d m a n a g e c o a s t a l A n d m a r i n e r e s o u r c e s a n d t h e e n v i r o n m e n t.
Establish the process for recognizing Coastal communities and giving them legal personality and provides an inter ministerial, cross-sectoral committee mechanism to coordinate of the governmental actors.
Establish the construction set back line along the coast line as the green shield or coastal protected areas
Continent al Shelf Construction setback line Public Sand
Prescribing civil sanction for damage from destruction of natural resources, environment, ecological system Prescribing c ivil sanction for damage from destruction of natural resources, environment, ecological system
Protection of ecological system from impact of pollution by prescribing measures of control and prevention of pollution from coastal sources and release of waste from sea vessels. Protection of ecological system from impact of pollution by prescribing measures of control and prevention of pollution from coastal sources and release of waste from sea vessels.
Prescribing standards for activities, sports and culture for coastal zone and marine areas in accordance with sufficiency economy. Prescribing standards for activities, sports and culture for coastal zone and marine areas in accordance with sufficiency economy.
Establish the MCR Fund at national and provincial levels to provide financial support for preservation, conservation, restoration and development of resources and environment.
Guidelines for formulating marine and coastal resources policies at national provincial and local levels for implementation. G u i d e l i n e s f o r f o r m u l a t i n g m a r i n e a n d c o a s t a l r e s o u r c e s p o l i c i e s a t n a t i o n a l p r o v i n c i a l a n d l o c a l l e v e l s f o r i m p l e m e n t a t i o n.
Expand the mandate of DMCR. Its authority Will be strengthened by the fact that it will act on behalf of multi-sectoral authorities at the national, provincial and local levels. Expand the mandate of DMCR. Its authority Will be strengthened by the fact that it will act on behalf of multi-sectoral authorities at the national, provincial and local levels.
The draft law has been created in ten chapters with 134 sections. It may be anticipated that this draft Act will be revised several times before being submitted to the Secretary – General of the Cabinet and the National Assembly for debate and adoption. The draft law has been created in ten chapters with 134 sections. It may be anticipated that this draft Act will be revised several times before being submitted to the Secretary – General of the Cabinet and the National Assembly for debate and adoption.
Draft Promotion of Marine and Coastal Resources Management Act B.E… Coastal Community Local Living Interest Group Local Business Local Marine and Coastal Resources Committee Coastal Community Zone Local Plan Local Regulation Local management
-Multilateral Committee -Arbitration - Litigation -Da Toh Justice Local Marine and Coastal Resources Committee Coastal Community Local living Interest groups BusinessBusiness Coastal Community Zone Local Management Local Regulation Provincial Organ Provincial Marine and Coastal Resources Committee Local Interest Groups Local Fund Local Administrative Dispute Resolution -Tax exemption - Benefit sharing -Tax exemption - Benefit sharing Incentive Draft Promotion of Marine and Coastal Resources Management Act B.E… Local Plan Policy -Policy & Plan - Local Regulation -Policy & Plan - Local Regulation -Support Local Plan and Activities
Local Administrative -Arbitration -Litigation -Da Toh Justice Bilateral Committee- Local Marine and Coastal Resources Committee Coastal Community LivingLiving GroupsGroups BusinessBusiness Coastal Community Zone Regulation Provincial Organ Provincial Marine and Coastal Resources Committee Local Interest Groups Local Fund Dispute Resolution -Tax exemption -Benefit sharing Incentive National Marine and Coastal Resources Committee Government + Academic + NGO + People + DMCR National Fund Academic Committee Draft Promotion of Marine and Coastal Resources Management Act B.E… Plan and Policy Supervise Policy and Plan Co-management Provide Fund from Central to Local Special Mechanism in Emergency Situation Management