HIV /AIDS Objective: To give the students a first hand opportunity of seeing that when they are sexually active they are at risk of becoming infected with any type of STD. To understand the steps in voluntary counseling & testing for HIV. To recognize the different stages if HIV/AIDS. To learn about UNICEF and their quest to “make a difference in the lives of children affected by HIV & AIDS.”
HIV/AIDS - STD Activity Each student in class is given a 3X5 note card. When the teacher tells you to start - each student must get four other students to sign their names on his or her card. When the student has received four signatures, sit down and do the following on your card: –Put a "1" by the first person to sign… –…a "2" by the second person to sign… –…a "3" by the third person to sign… –…a "4" by the fourth person to sign.
HIV/AIDS - STD Activity RESULTS: –The student that refused to participate in the activity abstained from having sex. –This person has a 100% guarantee that he or she will not be affected by any type of STD or risk the chance of becoming pregnant since this person abstained from having sex. REFLECTION: –How did you feel as the web grew larger and large? –A condom is still not 100% effective at avoiding an STD. What are possible things that could go wrong when a person uses a condom?
HIV-RELATED SYMPTOMS Weight loss Unexplained fever (over 103 for 3-5 days) Frequent/loose stools (for weeks at a time) Painful or thick whitish coating in mouth, vagina, or rectum Swollen glands Cough without explanation Unexplained purplish patches on skin Persistent skin sores
HIV Testing What are the steps in voluntary counselling and testing for HIV? –Decision to seek testing –Pre-test Counselling A counsellor will explain the testing process, assess your risk of being infected, & answer questions and address any worries –Decision to test IF NO…preventive counselling IF YES….take test for HIV antibodies –Post-test Counselling HIV-negative –Receive result from counsellor, Make an immediate plan, Decide whether to get tested again in two to three months, Have a discussion about sharing your result with others. HIV-positive –Receive result from counsellor, Make an immediate plan and receive referrals, Have a discussion about sharing your result with others. –Follow-up counselling and support Medical care, Emotional support, Social support
Types of HIV Antibody Tests Standard blood test –First HIV test – most widely used Oral mucosal transudate test –Does not test for HIV in the saliva Urine HIV antibody test –Non-evasive Rapid HIV antibody test –Gives results within 5-60 minutes Home testing kit –Costs between $30-$45 –Sample collected at home and mailed to a lab
Stages of HIV and AIDS Window Period – –immediately after infection, when antibodies for HIV have not yet formed. –a test for HIV will show a negative result even if the person has been infected. –test should be taken twice in three months to be certain of the result.
UNICEF WHAT DO THEY DO? Focus areas… – HIV/AIDS and Children: –