Exploring the Bible Sunday evenings: a major week by week exploration of the books of the Bible Tonight: 1 Corinthians Every Sunday evening at ‘Bible Explorer’


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Presentation transcript:

Exploring the Bible Sunday evenings: a major week by week exploration of the books of the Bible Tonight: 1 Corinthians Every Sunday evening at ‘Bible Explorer’ we will explore the question ‘what does this book mean for us today?’

1 Corinthians Practical advice to the church at Corinth

All Saints Corinth: Who we are All Saints, Corinth is a thriving, lively church! Whoever you are, you can be yourself and will find a friendly welcome here. There’s always plenty going on when we meet together as we express the freedom we have found through our faith in Jesus and enjoy the presence of his Holy Spirit.

And the apostle Paul’s view?

1 Corinthians Uncomfortable reading for them Potentially uncomfortable reading for us Plenty of challenges How to apply today? Important process (irrespective of outcome) Biblical thinking Contemporary issues

How many letters to the Corinthians? Church founded by Paul c. AD 50 (Acts 18) Tales of sexual immorality Letter written (1 Cor 5:9) – now lost Return letter with questions (1 Cor 7:1), plus Paul’s further concerns 1 Corinthians written c. AD 54 More bad news, Paul visits in hurry (2 Cor 1:15) Paul is badly treated (2 Cor 2:1) Writes severe letter (2 Cor 2:4) – now lost Brought repentance (2 Cor 7:9) 2 Corinthians written c. AD 55

1 Corinthians Not as much ‘theological’ as Romans… Cross, resurrection, love Significant contextually to a multitude of practical issues on church life, including: divisions, church discipline, worship services, spiritual gifts, marriage, food sacrificed to idols, appropriate dress, role of women, sex

The cross (Ch 1:18-31) The message of the cross Foolishness … or the power of God The Christ (God’s anointed one) crucified like a criminal The foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom 1:25 Whose wisdom do we rely on? We have the mind of Christ (2:16)

The resurrection (Ch 15) Christ died, was buried, raised to life, appeared to many witnesses What if no resurrection? Our preaching and our faith are useless Christ’s resurrection => our bodily resurrection If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men (v 19) The last enemy to be destroyed is death (v 26)

Love Context: variety of gifts within the body of Christ How are gifts to be used? Useless without love

Love What is love? Patient No record of wrongs Kind No delight in evil Not envious Rejoices with the truth Not boastful Protects Not proud Trusts Not rude Hopes Not self-seeking Perseveres Not easily angered Never fails

Love But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away …. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (13:8,13)

Divisions and spoilt relationships Factions (Ch 3) Whom do we follow? Claiming of rights (Ch 6:1-8) “Why not rather be wronged?” (v7) Self-centredness (Ch 11:17-34) “…more harm than good” (v17)

Whom do we follow? John Stott John Wimber Steve Chalke Bill Hybels Nicky Gumbel & HTB C S Lewis Justin Welby Mother Teresa

Divisions and spoilt relationships Factions (Ch 3) Whom do we follow? Claiming of rights (Ch 6:1-8) “Why not rather be wronged?” (v7) Self-centredness (Ch 11:17-34) “…more harm than good” (v17) What about differences of interpretation?

Discipline Expel the immoral brother! (Ch 5) Imperative From what? Not just v1 but v11 (sexually immoral, greedy, idolater, slanderer, drunkard, swindler) Applies to believers (vs 9-10) Judging? (v12, cf Matt 7:1-5)

Church worship Holy Communion (Ch 11:17-34) A corporate activity Not to be taken lightly (vs 27-32) Orderly worship (Ch 14:26-40) “Be eager to prophesy…” (v 39) “…done in a fitting and orderly way (v 40) “Everyone” brings something (v26) Outreach to unbelievers (14:23-25)

Spiritual gifts To be welcomed… Different gifts all important (Ch 12) Prophecy and tongues (Ch 14) Outreach to unbelievers (14:23-25)

Paul’s recommendations Marriage (Ch 7) Generally affirmative Positive view of singleness (e.g. vs 38, 40) Food sacrificed to idols (Ch 8 & 10:23-11:1) Ignorance or knowledge? (10:27-28) Freedom with responsibility (e.g. 8:9-13) “All for the glory of God” (10:31)

Paul’s taboos Wrong dress and appearance Women in leadership Homosexuality Casual sex

Dress and appearance (11:3-16) Men to have short hair and uncovered heads Women to have long hair and covered heads How important was this in Corinth? “Dishonours”, “disgrace”, “ought” Any relevance at all today?

Women in leadership Man “the head of the woman” (11:3) Woman created from and for man (11:9) “Women should remain silent in the churches… it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church” (14:33-35) But: Women may pray and prophesy (11:3) Paul valued Aquila and Priscilla (16:19)

Sexual behaviour (6:9-20) “Flee from sexual immorality” (v18) “Temple of the Holy Spirit” (v19) “Bought at a price” (v20) “the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God” (vs 9-10) (list includes “sexually immoral” and “homosexual offenders” among many others) “Some of you were”, but washed (etc)… (v 11)