Church growth: In God’s way Col. 1:9-11
What do you mean, “The church is growing all over the world ”? Growing in numbers? Growing in numbers? = “the gospel is growing” (Col. 1:6) Growing in maturity? Growing in maturity? = “growing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:9-11)
Grow up! Heads (v.9) – know God’s story Hands (v. 10) – live by God’s standards Hearts (v. 11) – prove God’s strength Through solid grounding in the Word of God Col. 3:16
“The problem with the global church today… …can be summed up in three words: ’growth without depth’.” John Stott
“The Langham Logic” 1.God wants his church to grow up 2.God’s church grows through God’s Word 3.God’s Word comes through preaching
“The logical question to ask is.. What can we do to raise the standards of biblical preaching?” John Stott
John Stott’s response “How then do we respond to the spiritual need of the people of God? “First, we have a vision of pulpits which are occupied by faithful preachers, who expound the Word of God. “Secondly, we have a vision of seminaries, which are staffed by scholar-saints, who permanently influence their students for good. “Thirdly, we have a vision of books, which will stimulate and facilitate the biblical study and teaching of pastor-preachers.”
The Apostle Paul’s strategy Look at some of Paul’s mission team Look at some of Paul’s mission team Timothy (2 Tim. 2:2; 4:2 ) Preaching + training Timothy (2 Tim. 2:2; 4:2 ) Preaching + training Tertius ( Rom. 16:22) Writing + literature Tertius ( Rom. 16:22) Writing + literature Apollos (Acts 18:24-28) Theological teaching Apollos (Acts 18:24-28) Theological teaching Three Langham programmes follow in these New Testament footsteps Three Langham programmes follow in these New Testament footsteps
One vision : three programmes Resourcing the church in the majority world through: Langham Preaching – like Timothy Langham Literature – like Tertius Langham Scholars – like Apollos
Timothy – preacher and trainer of others 2 Tim. 3:14 – 4:2 “Preach the word” 2:15 “rightly handling the word of truth” 2:2training those who will teach others.
Langham Preaching Fostering national movements for expository biblical preaching by giving practical training and building local networks. Vanuatu
Myanmar Albania Pakistan
Tertius – writer (Rom. 16:22) Paul saw importance of the written word (as in Old Testament scriptures). His letters provided ongoing resources for the churches’ reading, preaching and teaching.
Langham Literature Helping to raise the standard of preaching by providing evangelical books for preachers and teachers in the majority world. ‘Pastors can’t preach if they don’t study, and they can’t study if they have no books.’ John Stott.
Apollos – Bible teacher and theologian Acts 18:24-28 International missionary: from Africa, to Asia, to Europe Well-educated in Scriptures Further training under Priscilla and Aquila Public ministry of systematic teaching of the church 1 Cor. 3:5-9 Paul and Apollos – “one purpose”
Langham Scholars Raising the standard of seminary teaching by providing scholarships for doctoral candidates who return to theological teaching and church leadership.
Our vision Our vision is to see churches equipped for mission and growing to maturity in Christ through the ministry of pastors and leaders who believe, teach and live by the Word of God.
“The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world” (Col. 1:6) God wants his church to grow up (in maturity), as well as grow bigger (in numbers). That is our vision of ”church growth” in God’s way, according to the Apostle Paul.