7-2 What is in the Scriptures? Homework 1.Read pages 169 – 176. Answer FOR REVIEW questions on page 183 numbers Read pages Answer FOR REVIEW questions on page 183 numbers 4-6
7-2 Aim: What is in the Scriptures? I. Sacred Writings A.scripture means writings B.many religions have their own set of sacred and authoritative writings 1.Muslims – Qur’an / Koran revealed by God to the founder of Islam, Muhammad 3/7/16 2.Hindus’ – Bhagavad Gita 3.Confucians - Analects C.The Bible: Jewish and Christian – book, more like a library Old Testament / Hebrew Scripture a)testament means covenant b)covenant the bond between God and the Israelites 1.New Testament / Christian Scripture a)covenant is renewed and extended to all humankind
II. Hebrew Scriptures – 46 books into 4 major sections A.Pentateuch - means five, Jews call it the Torah = instruction/law, heart or most significant 1.Genesis / origin, stories of creation, Noah, Abraham, patriarchs and matriarchs 2.Book of Exodus – liberation from slavery in Egypt, Moses, Sinai Covenant 3.Leviticus – tribes of Aaron/priest descended, laws and regulations for worship 4.Numbers – census organized the people by tribes 5.Deuteronomy - collection of Moses speeches #6 apply all the above knowledge
B. Historical books – entering Canaan, Israel’s kings (Saul, David, Solomon) breakup of the kingdoms, C. Wisdom books – beautiful literature, 1.Book of Psalms (150) wide range of heartfelt sentiments 2.Themes – meaning of life and suffering, how to be good & upright D. Prophetic books – confronters of present evil situation, consoled the people during distress, reminded them of God’s promises apply this knoweldge
III. The Christian Testament – 27 books into 4 major sections A.Four Gospels – accounts of Jesus’ life, death and Resurrection written by the four Evangelist – proclaimers of the “Good News” 3/8/16 1.Matthew – tax collected, Apostle (80-100) a)Audience – Jewish. Jesus was the Messiah b)show Jesus as a great teacher, the “New Moses” c)Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes d)many Old Testament references e)Infancy Narrative
2. Mark –first Gospel written (65-70) and shortest a)Audience – Gentiles in Rome being persecuted b)reference to the trial and persecution that Jesus’ followers might expect c)Jesus is very human and full of strong emotions
3. Luke – physician, Gentile, (85) also writes the Acts of the Apostles a)Audience – educated and wealthy Gentiles b)portraits of Jesus, compassionate Savor and Healer c)Jesus embraces poor, outcast, women d)Infancy Narrative e)Jesus came for ALL
4. John – Apostle, writes last (90-100), also Book of Revelation a)Audience – Jewish b)emphasizes Jesus’ divine Sonship 3/9/16 c)deepened understanding of Jesus d)symbolic languages and discourses e)source for personal and communal prayer 5. Synoptic – parallels in structure and content, Matthew, Mark and Luke a)Matthew and Luke uses Mark as a source
B. Acts of the Apostles Luke – Gospel of the Holy Spirit 1)first half – early church in Jerusalem 2)second half- Paul’s journeys C. Epistles, 21 letters 1)first writing in NT (50-65) 2)respond to problems and needs 3)teach and encourage the communities 4)Paul wrote the most #13 D. Book of Revelation
D. Book of Revelation, Apocalypse (Greek) 1)John 2)strange and powerful symbols of the end time 3)give hope & courage during persecution 4)not to be taken literally 5)call to be faithful even in the face of persecution and to trust God will finally be victorious IV. Why These Books A.Canon – official authoritative list