IV&VS Capabilities
3 A NALYSIS The Analysis is the utility that processes the gathered results during the test execution and generates graphs and reports The result file with a.lrr extension is the input to the Analysis tool Load Runner results file (.lrr) Load Runner analysis file (.lra) LoadRunner Analysis Tool
4 A DDING G RAPHS We can add new available graphs by selecting Graph Add new graph Select the graph and click open graph
5 F ILTERING OPTIONS Filters in analysis tool helps to obtain sorted results based on load generators, Vusers, scenario elapsed time etc To get access to filters choose file set global filters
6 M ERGING GRAPHS The graph Merging feature in analysis tool helps combine and view different graph statistics on a single graph. To merge one graph with another right click on a graph and choose merge graph option. There are 3 types of merging: Overlay When you overlay the contents of two graphs that share a common x-axis, the left y-axis on the merged graph shows the current graph's values. The right y-axis shows the values of the graph that was merged. Tile It is similar to overlay graphs but the contents of two graphs that share a common x-axis in a tiled layout, one above the other Correlate Plot the y-axis of two graphs against each other. The active graph's y-axis becomes the x-axis of the merged graph. The y-axis of the graph that was merged, becomes the merged graph's y-axis.
7 C REATING T EMPLATE When the analysis file opens, it automatically opens up few graphs by default. If in case we wish to customize the analysis tool, we can add graphs as per our requirement and go to tools templates Save template as and save the template. Hence, we can use the created template going forward
8 G ENERATE REPORTS Load runner gives the following reports: Word Go to tools HTML report HTML Go to tools Word report Crystal reports Go to tools Crystal report