Fall 2013 End-of-Course Assessments Training Materials for Test Administrators Algebra 1 Biology 1 Geometry U.S. History 1
Manual 2 One manual ( EOC Manual) is provided for the Winter 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013 and Fall 2013 EOC administrations. Instructions for computer- based test (CBT), paper- based test (PBT), and accommodated form administrations are included in this manual.
EOC Test Administration Schedule The Fall 2013 EOC testing schedule* is September 16 – 27, –US History –Biology 1 –Algebra 1 –Geometry *For CBT, subjects must be tested in this order. Testing for one subject must be completed in a school before testing for another subject may begin. –Paper-based accommodations for all subjects must be administered during the first three days of the testing window to meet the accelerated return deadline to ensure timely reporting of test results. Note: No testing on September 26; Secondary Early Release Day. Any deviation from the test administration schedule requires written approval from the Florida Department of Education (FDOE) prior to implementation. 3 Training Packet
EOC Test Administration Schedule, cont. Testing Duration Each Algebra 1, Biology 1, Geometry, and U.S. History EOC Assessment will be administered in one 160-minute session with a scheduled 10-minute break after 80 minutes. Students are not allowed to talk during the break. Individual restroom breaks are permitted as needed. Students may be dismissed from the testing room after the 10- minute break as they complete testing. However, no special incentives should be given to students to encourage them to finish early. Any student who has not completed the test by the end of the allotted time may continue working; however, testing must be completed within one school day. 4 EOC Manual 3
State and District Requirements Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security available at /TestChairInfo/InfoForTestC hair.asp /TestChairInfo/InfoForTestC hair.asp – Adopted by School Board – General Guidelines Florida Test Security Statute and Rule School Procedural Checklist (FM-6927) District Monitors 5 EOC Manual 13-14; Appendix B; Training Packet
Test Security Policies and Procedures: Prohibited Activities Reading the passages, test items, or performance tasks. Revealing the passages, test items, or performance tasks. Copying the passages, test items, or performance tasks. Explaining or reading test items or passages for students. Changing or otherwise interfering with student responses to test items. Causing achievement of schools to be inaccurately measured or reported. Copying or reading student responses. 6 EOC Manual 13; Appendix B
7 Test Security Policies and Procedures: Electronic Devices School personnel must ensure that students do not have access to their cell phones or other electronic devices at any time during testing, including breaks (restroom breaks, etc.), even if they do not use them. −“Possession” is defined as “within arm’s reach,” even if the electronic device is not visible. −Students should not have cell phones in their pockets, clipped to their belts, at their desks, or anywhere they can be easily accessed during testing or breaks. If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic devices during testing or during a break, his or her test must be invalidated. Students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy prior to testing. EOC Manual 20
Reporting Testing Irregularities All school staff are professionally responsible for ensuring appropriate test administration procedures and reporting any irregularities. Security Breaches: Test administrators should report any test irregularities (e.g., disruptive students) and possible security breaches to the school assessment coordinator immediately. Missing Materials: Schools must investigate ANY report of missing materials immediately. − Specified in Standards, Guidelines, and Procedures for Test Administration and Test Security School Assessment Coordinator/Principal Student Assessment and Educational Testing Region Center and/or appropriate District Administrative Office Appropriate investigative unit, if applicable Note: School personnel must be prepared to provide documentation and information in support of investigations of any testing irregularity. 8 EOC Manual 15-16
Caveon Forensic Analyses Caveon will analyze data to identify highly unusual test results for two primary groups: –Students with extremely similar test responses; and –Schools with improbable levels of similarity, gains and/or erasures. Only the most extreme results are flagged and withheld –One in a trillion chance of the pattern occurring by chance 9
Test Administrator Before Testing Read the test administration manual. Read the Test Administration Policies and Procedures and sign the Florida EOC Test Administration and Security Agreement. Read and sign the Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement. Establish an appropriate setting for test administration and remove or cover any unauthorized aids in the testing room. Prepare and assemble all materials needed for test administration. Ensure that students and their parents/guardians understand the testing policies prior to the first day of testing. If you are administering tests to students who require accommodations, become familiar with the accommodations and discuss with your school coordinator how accommodations will be provided. Ensure that you are familiar with how to open TestNav or TestHear to the login screen for each student computer prior to testing. 10
Test Administrator Before Testing Testing Location Tests should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, adequate ventilation, and sufficient workspace. Students must not be able to easily view other students’ computer screens, work folders, worksheets, or test and answer books. –Install visual blocks. Check the configuration of your testing room to make sure you will be able to provide a secure environment during testing. Post the sign that reads TESTING—Please Do Not Disturb on all entrances to the testing room and display starting and stopping times for students as soon as testing begins. Students may not have access to any unauthorized aids. Discuss any concerns with your school assessment coordinator. 11
Test Administrator Before Testing Testing Location (cont.) When you arrive on the day of testing, open each student workstation in the testing room to the student login screen as indicated in the script, but do not log in for students. Display the student comment form URL ( on the day of testing, or create shortcuts on student workstations to ensure each student is able to complete the form after testing. Ensure that you have a way to contact the technology coordinator or the school assessment coordinator during testing without leaving the room unattended. 12
Test Administrator Before Testing EOC Manual You will need the End-of-Course Assessments Test Administration Manual to read the test administration script(s) to students. When testing students who are allowed certain accommodations, you may need to modify the scripts. It is especially important that you review the scripts BEFORE testing begins to determine the necessary modifications. Do not interpret this as permission to paraphrase test items. Scripts and instructions for the administration of accommodated computer-based (TestHear) forms and paper-based forms are provided in Appendix A. 13
Test Administrator Before Testing EOC Manual (cont.) Appendix D on page 284 is the CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide. This guide lists possible error messages students may encounter, explanations for each message, and possible solutions. 14
Test Administrator Before Testing Student Authorization Tickets For each test session, each student needs a Login ID and a 6-character test code (password), which are printed on the Student Authorization Tickets. Students will need a pen or pencil during testing to sign their tickets. Provide each student a ticket only AFTER all students have entered the testing room, as instructed in the script, and all tickets must be collected BEFORE students leave the testing room. Student Authorization Tickets must be handled in a secure manner and returned to the school assessment coordinator immediately after each day of testing is completed. 15
Test Administrator Before Testing 16 Student Authorization Tickets (cont.)
Test Administrator Before Testing Session Roster A Session Roster is a list of all students scheduled in a test session that displays important information including: ̶Test Administration ̶Session Name ̶Test to be Administered ̶Test Code (password) ̶Student Names ̶Student ID Numbers ̶Student Birth Dates ̶Class Information ̶Login IDs ̶Blank space to record attendance information and accommodations used The Session Roster may be used to record required administration information. Session Rosters must be handled in a secure manner and returned to the school assessment coordinator immediately after each test session is completed. 17
Test Administrator Before Testing Session Roster (cont.) 18
Test Administrator Before Testing Test Group Code A test group code is a unique four-digit number used to identify a group of students testing together. School assessment coordinators will create and distribute test group codes to all test administrators. Each group of students, by testing room, initial and make- up, should receive a unique test group code. Students will enter the test group code before beginning the test, as indicated in the scripts. 19
Test Administrator Before Testing Test CodeTest Group Code A six-character code (password) created by PearsonAccess and printed on Student Authorization Tickets and Session Rosters. The Login ID and the test code are required to log in to TestNav and TestHear. A unique four-digit number created by school assessment coordinators used to identify groups of students tested together. The test group code is entered after the Testing Rules Acknowledgment and before students see the first question. 20
Test Administrator Before Testing Work Folders The Florida Computer-Based Testing Work Folder is a blank piece of 11x17 yellow paper folded in half with grid paper on the back cover. For the Algebra 1, Biology 1, and Geometry EOC assessments, students are provided with work folders to work the problems. One work folder should be sufficient for each student; however, students may request additional folders. Work folders must be distributed to students at the beginning of each test session. Ensure that students have enough desk space to use their folders. Once students complete the Algebra 1, Geometry, or Biology 1 test, collect all work folders and return them to the school assessment coordinator. Used work folders are secure materials. 21
Test Administrator Before Testing CBT Worksheets If schools have chosen to provide them, students taking the computer- based U.S. History EOC Assessment (TestNav or TestHear) may use a CBT Worksheet to make notes rather than using the CBT notepad tool. The CBT Worksheet is an 8 ½ x 11 page that may be copied and distributed to students at the beginning of a test session. If your school is providing hard copies of the CBT Worksheet, a sufficient number of copies should be available for all students taking the assessment. Students must have enough desk space to use their worksheets. Once students complete the test, collect all worksheets and return them to the school assessment coordinator. Used worksheets are secure materials. 22
Test Administrator Before Testing Four-Function Calculators – TestNav The computer-based TestNav Algebra 1 and Biology 1 EOC assessments have a built-in four-function calculator. Students may use the built-in calculator, or they may use a handheld four-function calculator. Test administrators should provide handheld calculators at the beginning of a test session to all students who request them, as indicated in the test administration script. You should have an adequate supply of approved four-function calculators. No other calculators may be used. 23
Test Administrator Before Testing Four-Function Calculators – TestHear Test Hear does NOT have a built-in four-function calculator. Students who will test using TestHear accommodated forms of the Algebra 1 and Biology 1 EOC Assessments MUST be provided handheld four-function calculators. Students with visual impairments may use the approved large key/large display calculators or approved talking calculators. Schools that have not yet accumulated an adequate supply of approved large key/large display or talking calculators may use comparable calculators that are regularly used in their classrooms. –Such calculators must be basic four-function models and must not have functions that are unavailable on approved calculators. 24
Test Administrator Before Testing Scientific Calculators – TestNav The TestNav Geometry EOC Assessment has a built-in scientific calculator. Students may use handheld scientific calculators, if the school has chosen to provide them. Handheld scientific calculators must be approved models, as shown on page 11 of the EOC Manual. Handheld scientific calculators will not be provided by the FDOE for students taking the Geometry EOC Assessment using TestNav. 25
Test Administrator Before Testing Scientific Calculators – TestHear The TestHear Geometry EOC Assessment does not include an online scientific calculator. Handheld scientific calculators will be provided by FDOE for students taking the Geometry EOC Assessment using TestHear accommodated CBT forms. Students with visual impairments may use large key/large display scientific calculators that are comparable in function to the approved scientific calculators (on page 11 of the EOC Manual). The approved talking scientific calculator is the Orion TI-36X or one that is comparable in function to the Orion TI-36X. No other calculators may be used. 26
Test Administrator Before Testing Reference Sheets and Periodic Tables Reference sheets and periodic tables are provided in an online format only for CBT testers. However, schools may provide hardcopy reference sheets or periodic tables to students. Any hardcopy reference sheets or periodic tables must be photocopies of the reference sheet and periodic table in Appendix E of the manual (also available at If your school will provide hard-copy reference sheets or periodic tables to students, check each copy before distributing to students and follow the instructions in the administration scripts. Reference sheets and periodic tables for students with paper-based accommodations are packaged with test materials, and should be distributed to students as indicated in the administration scripts. Once students complete the test session, the test administrator should collect all reference sheets and periodic tables. Used reference sheets and periodic tables are secure materials. 27
Test Administrator Before Testing Security Log 28 A Security Log must be maintained for each testing room. Anyone who enters a room for the purpose of monitoring a test MUST sign the log for that testing room.
Test Administrator Before Testing Seating Chart An accurate seating chart must be maintained for each testing room for each test session. Seating charts must capture the following information: −The room name/number −Student names and their location in the room during testing −The front and back of the room −Direction students are facing −Date −Session starting time −Test administrator name −Names of proctors (if applicable) −Test group code −Session name in PearsonAccess (CBT) If students are moved to a new location or the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating chart must be created. 29
Test Administrator Before Testing Additional items Pens and/or pencils –Ensure each student has a pen or pencil to sign his or her authorization tickets and make notes or work the problems during testing –Students taking paper-based tests must use No. 2 pencils Clock or watch –Keep accurate time during testing Signs (Appendix E) ̶Do Not Disturb Sign—display on all entrances ̶Electronic Devices Sign—display where it will be visible to all students in the testing room 30
Test Administrator Before Testing Communicate Testing Policies to Parents/Guardians and Students Electronic Devices Policy—If students are found with ANY electronic devices during testing OR during breaks, their tests will be invalidated. The best practice would be for students to leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing. Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing the test (for lunch, an appointment, or illness, etc.), they WILL NOT be allowed to complete the test. If a student does not feel well on the day of testing, it may be best for the student to wait and be tested on a make-up day. Testing Rules Acknowledgment—Students will click a checkbox (TestNav) or circle (TestHear) next to a Testing Rules Acknowledgment that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.” 31
Test Administrator Before Testing Administration Accommodations Appendix A of the EOC Manual contains detailed information regarding administration accommodations, TestHear accommodated CBT forms, and paper-based accommodations. All personnel involved in administering tests to students with allowable accommodations must familiarize themselves with the information in Appendix A. 32
Test Administrator During Testing Maintain the seating chart, Security Log, and record of required administration information for your room. Ensure that each student has a pen or pencil and distribute testing materials as indicated in the scripts. Read the appropriate administration scripts VERBATIM to students. Read the important information and adhere to the instructions between the SAY boxes. Keep accurate time for each test session and display times for students. Maintain test security at all times and report violations or concerns to your school assessment coordinator immediately. 33
Test Administrator During Testing Supervise test administration and ensure the following: Students have cleared the area around their workstations of all materials except for Student Authorization Tickets, pens or pencils, and, as applicable, calculators, work folders, worksheets, reference sheets, and periodic tables Students check the Testing Rules Acknowledgment box and enter the correct test group code Students do not have electronic devices (except for approved calculators) of any kind during testing, even if they do not use them Students do not talk to other students or make any disturbance Students are working independently Students are working in the correct test 34
Test Administrator During Testing It is not appropriate to use cell or classroom phones, grade papers, or work on the computer during testing. While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about test items or help them with their answers. If a student’s computer is disconnected from the test, contact the technology coordinator to help diagnose any technical issues, or contact the school assessment coordinator to resume that student’s test in Pearson Access. If a student has continual difficulty logging in or gets kicked out of the test more than once, do not have the student continue attempting to log in until the issue is diagnosed and resolved. If students finish the test in the first 80 minutes before the 10-minute break, you may encourage them to go back and check their work. As students complete the test, assist them with accessing the student comment form, as needed. 35
Test Administrator After Testing Verify that you have collected all required administration information, including accommodations actually used by each student. Verify that your seating chart and Security Log have been completed correctly, and make copies for your files. Report any missing materials (including used work folders, used worksheets, used reference sheets and periodic tables, etc.) and/or test irregularities to your school assessment coordinator. Organize materials and return them to your school assessment coordinator (see page 82 in the EOC Manual). Complete the Test Administrator Comment Form at
The following slides relate to the administration of paper- based tests (regular print, large print, or braille), which are available for eligible students who have such accommodations identified in their IEPs or Section 504 plans. Paper-based large print is available as a unique accommodation for eligible students. The upper-left corner of the following slides show an image of a pencil and a paper-based test (see below) to indicate that this information pertains to paper-based tests only. 37 Paper-Based Tests (PBT)
Paper-Based Tests Materials Needed for Testing Test Documents ̶Algebra 1 EOC Test and Answer Books ̶Biology 1 EOC Test and Answer Books ̶Geometry EOC Test and Answer Books ̶U.S. History EOC Test and Answer Books Reference Sheets and Periodic Tables Calculators (approved four-function and scientific) 38
Paper-Based Tests Security Numbers Used to account for each test and answer book. Consists of a nine-digit number followed by a check digit located in the upper right corner of test and answer books. Packing list shows the number ranges assigned to each school, and written documentation of the number ranges must be maintained at all times during distribution and return of books. Pre-populated Administration Record/Security Checklists with security numbers for all test and answer books are provided in PearsonAccess. –Blank Administration Record/Security Checklist also provided in PearsonAccess and in Appendix E of the manual. Test administrator should maintain a list of all secure materials assigned to him or her, including any additional materials assigned throughout the administration. 39
Paper-Based Tests 40 Sample Student Grid Sheet
Appendix A: Accommodations Appendix A provides specific information and instructions regarding the following: –Accommodations for Students with Disabilities –Accommodations for English Language Learners –TestHear (Accommodated CBT Forms)—functionality information and administration scripts –Regular Print Paper-Based Accommodations—administration scripts and scripts for gridding or verifying student grid sheets –Special Documents—Braille and Large Print Test Administrator Responsibilities Before, During, and After Testing School personnel responsible for administering tests to students with accommodations must familiarize themselves with all relevant information in Appendix A before testing. 41
Appendix B: Test Security Statute and Rule Appendix B of the manual contains the following: –Florida Test Security Statute ( ) –Florida State Board of Education Test Security Rule (6A ) All personnel involved in testing activities, including handling and maintenance of test materials, must read and understand the information in Appendix B prior to signing a Security Agreement. 42
Appendix D: CBT Test Administrator Quick Reference Guide Appendix D provides the following information to assist with trouble-shooting during CBT administrations: TestNav Early Warning System popup and error messages, possible causes, and recommended actions. TestHear Early Warning System popup and error messages, possible causes, and recommended actions. Common Error Codes and Solutions in TestNav Pearson Customer Support Information. 43
Comment Forms 44 After testing, test administrators, school coordinators, and technology coordinators are encouraged to complete a CBT comment form located at FDOE and Pearson appreciate feedback from school personnel.
Thank you for ensuring a secure and successful Fall 2013 EOC Assessments administration. Questions? 45