Take a Minute: Shortcuts and Tips on Taking Minutes
Should you write down everything everyone says? Meeting minutes are a report of the actions from the meeting. They are not a word-by-word account of what everyone said. It is okay to bullet list items of discussion. 2
Should you use a recording device to be sure what you report is accurate? Recording devices are not necessary and sometimes can be a hindrance. If you do not understand or if you need more information on specific points, just ask. 3 It is okay to interrupt to get clarification for the minutes.
What you should capture in meeting minutes: Meeting Facts: Meeting Date Start & End Times and who started and ended the meeting Meeting Purpose 4
5 Meeting Date Purpose Start time and who opened the meeting. End time and who adjourned the meeting
What you should capture in meeting minutes: Agenda items: What will be discussed Who is presenting each topic 6
7 Agenda items Who is responsible
Attendance: Show the names of members in attendance and those absent Include a roster of any guests present What you should capture in meeting minutes: 8
9 Use the minutes to check those in attendance or pass around a sign-in sheet to use later to update your list.
Action Items: 1.What needs to be done, 2.who is responsible for it, and 3.when is it due? What you should capture in meeting minutes: 10
What needs to be done, who is responsible for it, and when is it due? 1 2 3
Motions: Who made the motion, the exact wording of the motion, the fact that there was a 2 nd, and the voting results. There are multiple ways to report voting results. Some examples: “All in favor, none opposed” "The ayes have it and the resolution is adopted." "95 votes in the affirmative, and 99 in the negative, so the amendment is lost.” What you should capture in meeting minutes: 12
13 Motion Voting Results
Use available templates for agenda and minutes. During the meeting, use a modified agenda as a basis for the minutes. Prepare minutes as soon as possible after a meeting while information is still fresh in your mind. If you are unclear on a topic or you have a question, you can get it cleared up quickly by contacting the chair or another member. Put your name on it. Preparation and Delivery 14
Submit the draft version to the chair for review as soon as you complete them. Distribute to the members within 48 hours of the meeting, if possible. They may provide updates while it is still relatively fresh in their minds. Post to the Portal as “Draft”. After approval from the members, change title to “Approved”. Keep your handwritten notes on file as original documentation. Preparation and Delivery 15
Agenda Template Minutes Template Global Charter Template PTC Committee Information Sheet PTC Committee Structure Committee Checklist Robert's Rules of Order Short Sheet Committee Tools 16
Start on time. Respect those who have shown up on time and remind late-comers that the scheduling is serious. Stay on task; Follow the agenda. Pull members back to the agenda/task. Come prepared; Read all materials prior to meeting. Support decisions made on consensus. Be professional to each other. Always close on time. Note: The meeting environment is a safe zone; there is no rank in the room. Key Points for an Effective Meeting: 17
“The a-b-c's of Parliamentary Procedure” - National Association of ParliamentariansThe a-b-c's of Parliamentary Procedure ( Special%20Presentation/ Parlimentary%20Procedure%20handout.pdf) Resources: PTC Committee Tools on the PortalPTC Committee Tools on the Portal - Pulaski Technical College Website ( Frequently Asked Questions Frequently Asked Questions - The Official Robert’s Rules of Order Website ( How to Take MinutesHow to Take Minutes - Wiki How to do Anything ( 18
Questions 19