Solar Manufacturing Technology 2 (SolarMat 2) informational webinar Introduction & Concept papers Feb. 18, 2014 1 None of the information presented here is legally binding. The content included in this presentation is intended only to summarize the contents of funding opportunity DE-FOA Any content within this presentation that appears discrepant from the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) language is superseded by the FOA language. All Applicants are strongly encouraged to carefully read the FOA guidelines and adhere to them. Neither the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) nor the employees associated with DOE working on this presentation shall be held liable for errors committed by Applicants based on potentially incorrect or inaccurate information presented herein. SolarMat 2 introduction Concept paper overview Timeline Questions type questions into comment box 2 Agenda SunShot and the Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative incentivize domestic clean energy manufacturing expand clean energy supply chain Example: Increase domestic production to meet growing demand in PV and CSP 3 Clean energy manufacturing in EERE Intention spur photovoltaic (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP) manufacturing and supply chain companies in the U.S. assist the development and demonstration of innovative manufacturing technologies process, product, tools, etc. Goals create cost advantage for domestic manufacturers path towards exceeding best-in class experience curve increase the U.S. share of the global solar market 4 Purpose of SolarMat 2 Total federal funds available: $25M Minimum cost-share: 50% Project period: 1 to 4 years Number of expected awards: 6 to 10 Topic area specific details: 5 Awards and Topic areas System type Topic Area # Topic Area DescriptionEntrance TRLExit TRL Max. federal funds PV 1Development to pilot-scale5≥7$3.0M 2Pilot-scale to full-scale6≥8$5.0M CSP 3System-level technology4≥6$5.0M 4Component-level technology4≥7$5.0M 6 Technology Readiness Level (TRL) PV Topic Area CSP Topic Area TRLDescription #1#2#3#4 1Basic principles observed and reported. 2Technology concept and/or application formulated. 3 Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof of concept. Enter 4 Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment. Enter5 Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment. EnterExit6 System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment. Exit 7System prototype demonstration in an operational environment. Exit8 Actual system completed and qualified through test and demonstration. 9Actual system proven through successful mission operations. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Reduction of manufacturing costs labor (e.g. increased automation), bill-of-materials (e.g. alternative materials), capital expense (e.g. reduce processing steps), electrical power or raw material consumption Increase in key manufacturing metrics yield (product or process level), throughput (e.g. de-bottleneck step), performance (e.g. module output power improvements) Improvement of an existing manufacturing process or product Development and demonstration of manufacturing or metrology equipment Development and demonstration of CSP components which eliminate steps and processes through the supply chain, drastically reduce the labor costs of installed systems and/or significantly cut project construction time. Reduction in CSP system operating and maintenance costs Development and demonstration of CSP-components for advanced systems with an expected 30 year service life Topics not of interest: replication of existing manufacturing technology to scale up existing capacity Cost reductions must be demonstrated by end of project period 7 Examples of topics Individuals U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents Domestic entities For- & not-for-profit, universities, national labs/FFRDCs Can be held by foreign entity, but Applicant must be incorporated in U.S. Foreign entities Waiver must be submitted for DOE approval Can receive a minority of funding as a sub-recipient Consortia Can be a mix of domestic/foreign entities Incorporated can apply as prime recipient Unincorporated must designate a member as prime recipient Applicants can submit more than one concept paper Each submission must be unique and distinct from the other(s) 8 Eligible Applicants (full details in FOA Section III.A) SolarMat 2 introduction Concept paper overview Timeline Questions type questions into comment box 9 Agenda Provides early indicator of proposal relevance to FOA technical review criteria in FOA Section V.A For fairness, must conform to content requirements refer to FOA Section IV.C Encourage/Discourage notification sent to applicant may submit a Full Application even if discouraged approximately 1 week after concept paper due date Concept papers are mandatory only Applicants that submit a compliant Concept Paper are eligible to submit a Full Application. 10 Concept paper overview 11 Concept paper review process Is concept paper compliant? (FOA Section III.C & Section IV.C) No Concept paper not reviewed Yes Evaluate concept paper against technical review criteria (FOA Section V.A) Send Encourage/Discourage notification to Applicant (anticipated 1 week after concept paper due date) Criterion 1: Impact of the Proposed Technology Relative to State of the Art (50%) This criterion involves consideration of the following factors: Method used to identify current state of the art technology If technical success is achieved, the proposed idea would significantly improve technical and economic performance relative to the state of the art. Criterion 2: Overall Scientific and Technical Merit (50%) This criterion involves consideration of the following factors: The proposed technology, or its application is innovative; and The proposed approach is without major technical flaws. Concept paper technical review criteria Concept papers are mandatory Submit Concept Paper in EERE-Exchange by March 12, :00 PM ET 12 Concept papers due March 12, 2014 at 5p ET SolarMat 2 introduction Concept paper overview Timeline Questions type questions into comment box 13 Agenda 14 Timeline Feb. 18 – 1 st informational webinar (Intro. & Concept papers) Mar. 12 – Concept papers due (mandatory) Mar. 26 – 2 nd informational webinar (Full applications) Apr. 30 – Full applications due Aug. 1 – Selection notifications (expected date) Sept. – Awards made SolarMat 2 introduction Concept paper overview Timeline Questions type questions into comment box 15 Agenda Type questions into the comment box Questions can be ed to Answers will be posted at 4bc1-9d01-463c860f51bchttps://eere- 4bc1-9d01-463c860f51bc 16 Questions?