1 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Natura 2000 Unexploited asset for tourism
2 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 What is “ EuroGites ” ? European Federation of representative provider organisations in Farm and Village Tourism in geographical Europe
3 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Member organisations from: Austria Belgium (Wallonie + Flanders) Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic France Georgia Greece Hungary Israel Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxemburg Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Slovenia Slovakia Spain (2) Switzerland Ukraine United Kingdom
4 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009
5 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Halting the loss of biodiversity: THE EU POLICY FRAMEWORK EU Sustainable Development Strategy 6th Environment Action Programme EU Biodiversity Action Plan Habitats & Birds Directive
6 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 How are Natura 2000 sites chosen? HABITATS DIRECTIVE Different process = same network BIRDS DIRECTIVE National List of proposed sites (pSCI) Sites of Community Importance (SCI) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Special Protection Areas (SPA)
7 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 The Natura 2000 Network The largest co-ordinated network of conservation areas in the world Total : > 25,000 sites = ~ 17% of EU 27 territory
8 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) Protects all species of naturally occuring birds in the wild state in the EU. Overall objective is to maintain the populations of all wild bird species in the EU at a level which corresponds to their ecological, scientific and cultural requirements, or to adapt the population of these species to that level. BIRDS DIRECTIVE Species protection Site protection Annex II species migratory birds Annex I birds All wild birds Exemptions for species on annex II & III
9 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) Protects other threatened plants and animals and ca 230 habitat types Overall objective is to ensure that these species and habitat types are maintained at, or restored to, a ‘favourable conservation status’. HABITATS DIRECTIVE Species protection & management Site protection and management Annex II species Annex I Habitat types Annex III species Annex IV species
10 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Important features of Natura 2000 Conserves species & habitats across entire natural range in EU, irrespective of political boundaries Selects sites using the same scientific criteria Offers strong legal protection Works in collaboration with land owners & users Supports sustainable development: new activities or development affecting N2000 are not automatically excluded Not limited to nature reserves
11 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Working at level of Biogeographical Regions
12 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Status of the Natura 2000 Network
13 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Completion of the network Additional efforts needed for: some biogeographical regions – deadline 2010 marine sites – deadline 2012
14 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Managing Natura 2000 sites Within all Natura 2000 sites: Damaging activities must be avoided that could significantly disturb the species and/or habitats for which the site has been designated; Positive measures are taken, where necessary to maintain and restore those habitats and species to a favourable conservation status in their natural range The ultimate objective is to ensure that the species and habitats types reach «favourable conservation status »
15 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 What is a Favourable Conservation Status? In the case of a habitat types its natural range and the areas it covers within that range are stable or increasing; and the specific structure and function which are necessary for its long-term maintenance are present and are likely to exist in the foreseeable future; the conservation status of typical species that live in these habitat types is favourable as well. In the case of the species populations are maintaining themselves over the long term and are no longer showing signs of continuing decline; their natural range is not being reduced; there is, and will probably continue to be, a sufficiently large habitat to maintain its populations on a long-term basis.
16 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Managing Natura 2000 sites How a site is managed varies from on site to another: there is ‘no one size fits all’ rule depends on the species and habitat types depends on land use and ownership Management plans: explain conservation needs of the site Analyse the socio-economic context Help find practical management solutions forum for debate between different interest groups Ensure better integration with other land use sectors Creates sense of shared responsibility for site’s future
17 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Managing Natura 2000 sites Member States have range of tools at their disposal: It is up to each Member State to decide which ones to use – principle of subsidiarity STATUTORYeg making a nature reserve CONTRACTUALeg signing management agreements with land owners) ADMINISTRATIVEeg providing funds to manage the site
18 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Working in partnership People and nature – not nature without people Natura 2000 recognises that humans are an integral part of nature; The conservation objectives should be met while taking economic, social, cultural, requirements into account; Natura 2000 supports sustainable development: It sets the parameters by which activities can take place whilst safeguarding Europe’s rich biodiversity
19 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Examples of management Managing forests with capercaillie in mind, Black Forest, Germany Wildlife friendly farming using RDP, Kiskunsag Hungary Managing marine areas along the coastline of Southern Spain
20 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Financing Natura 2000 Estimated at €6 bn per year for EU-25 Day to day Natura 2000 management activities can be funded through other EU funds eg Rural Development Fund EU LIFE Programme ( ): €800 million for demonstration and best practice projects in the field of nature and biodiversity, and N2000 in particular. Commission handbook and IT tool on financing Natura 2000
21 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Article 6 provisions Applies to SPAs, SCIs, SACs (except for 6(1))
22 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 New developments Possible negative impact on Natura 2000 site? Appropriate Assessment yes If negative Overriding public interest? If yes Compensatory measures Alternatives? If no Step-by-step assessment of plans and projects Affecting Natura 2000 sites (Art 6.3 & 6.4) If priority habitat/species Commission Opinion required
23 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Commission Guidance Article 6 of Habitats Directive Managing Natura 2000 sites (2000) Assessment of plans and projects : methodological guide Art 6 (3) & (4) Guidance on Article 6 (4) Sector specific guidance (forthcoming on wind farms, estuaries, non-energy extractive industries…)
24 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Strict Protection of species Under Habitats and Birds Directives Establish system of strict protection Regulate the exploitation of certain species Prohibit certain methods of capture/ killing Derogations Art 12 Art 5 Art 8 Art 14 Art 6 Art 15 Art 9Art 16 Art 13 Art 11 Annex IV Annex VI Annex V All species Art 7 Annex III Annex II Annex IV BIRDS DIRECTIVEHABITATS DIRECTIVE
25 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Commission Guidance documents : - Strict protection of animal species - Sustainable Hunting of wild birds - Large Cornivores European Red lists - Mammals - Reptiles - Amphibians European Species Action Plans SAPs for Annex I bird species so far Strict Protection of species EC guidance documents
26 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 First Member State assessments done for EU composite report or ‘Health Check’ June 09 MONITORING THE IMPACT OF N2000 Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive Key findings: Only 17% deemed to be in favourable conservation Grasslands, wetlands & coastal habitats most under pressure Habitats associated with agriculture show worse conservation status
27 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Future priorities Setting conservation objectives for Natura 2000 sites Designating SCIs as SACs Securing the long-term management of sites Promoting good management practices Ensuring better integration of N2000 into broader countryside Ensuring better integration into other policy sectors Improving understanding of Appropriate Assessments Promoting Natura 2000 as a part of climate change adaptation Improving the overall coherence of the network
28 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Nature Tourism Entrepreneurs Farmer and Landowners Visitors Local community Sustainability Natura 2000 and tourism Benefit for everybody
29 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Natura 2000: a “ free ” label with high recognition value Clients are better informed about NATURA 2000 than most providers NATURA 2000 is correctly defined by more than 80% of visitors: = commercial value as an internationally recognized brand Nature and Landscape rank highest in consumer preferences Bottom-up initiatives through private agents work well and are very cost-effective Excellent uptake of the concept and idea by media
30 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Information and promotion for visitors Information for visitors about NATURA 2000 Information about the idea and concept of NATURA 2000 in destinations Local / regional / national NATURA 2000 areas Promotion activities for pilot products NATURA 2000 and tourism on internet NATURA 2000 in Europe Nature attractions in several countries Things to do and to see Pilot products Basic principles for sustainable conduct
31 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Sample of actions -1 Making NATURA 2000 accessible for tourists through information wrth/natura2000_en.html
32 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October Tourism Products based on NATURA 2000 resources Sample of actions -2
33 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Marketing nature friendly outdoor activities in the NATURA 2000 sites Sample of actions -3
34 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Professional information about NATURA KasirNATURA_saimniekiem_en_1.pdf Sample of actions -4
35 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 For more information
36 EUTO Study Visit 2009 Heritage and Historical Sites Tarragona, 23rd-October-2009 Thank you! for your attention