Cultural Geography of Southern and Eastern Europe Chapter 12 sections 3 and 4
Southern Europe Countries Spain Portugal Italy Vatican City Andorra Greece
Population of Southern Europe
Ethnic Groups Found in Southern Europe can trace ancestors to 1000s of years ago In Italy: descendants of ancient Etruscans, Romans, and others In Spain –Iberians: prehistoric people –Catalans In Andorra: the Catalans In Greece: the Minoans and Mycenaean's Portugal: mix of early ethnic groups
High/Low Populations Italy is most populated of Southern Europe (58 million) Vatican City located within Italy’s capital of Rome and home of RCC is world’s smallest independent country with 1000 people Spain has a lower population density than most of Europe and population is located mainly on the coast
Migration Long history of EMIGRATION Millions of southern Europeans in the 1800s and 1900s went to the Americas More recently more immigrating to Southern Europe than emigrating out Many people are moving within the region to urban areas
Major Cities Rome: capital of Italy and one of areas largest and most historic cities; once center of Roman empire today it is a commercial center and popular tourist spot Athens: capital of Greece and was center of classical civilization Madrid: capital of Spain and artistic and financial center Milan: leading manufacturing, commercial and financial center in Italy Venice: unique city in Italy known for its canals Lisbon: capital of Portugal
History and Government of Southern Europe
The Ancient Greeks Empire reached its peak in 400s and 300s BC City-states: separate communities linked by Greek language and culture Athens was first to introduce idea of democracy
The Roman Empire Reached its height b/t 27 BC and 180 AD Made breakthroughs in government and laws Christianity was its official religion The western side of empire was taken over in 400s by Germanic forces but remained Christianity as religion which would later be called Roman Catholicism Italy remained split up for 100s of years The eastern side of empire remained intact and came to be called the Byzantine Empire and its capital was Constantinople
The Moors take over Spain Muslim group Invaded in 711 Held it for over 700 years
The Renaissance Europe’s period of artistic and intellectual achievement Began in 1300s in Italy where wealth and stability of city-states gave some people freedoms to re-visit old ideas of ancient Greeks and Romans These ideas will spread out to other parts of Europe
The 1400s Europeans began to catch up with the Chinese and Muslim powers that they had been behind economically in the early parts of the Middle Ages Some began to explore and colonize the world
The 1500s Spain and Portugal got very wealthy from trade routes and colonies
The 1800s Dramatic changes Increased nationalism Independence movements Civil wars Dictatorships Spain and Portugal lost most of overseas areas Greece got its independence from Turkey Italy became untied in 1870
1900s Increased nationalism Independence movements Civil wars Dictatorships World wars Spain remained neutral but suffered from a civil war in 1930s Lots of political and economic instability Greece was ruled as dictatorship from 1967 to 1974
Currently Much of the instability has subsided Have many democratically elected governments Members of the EU
Culture of Southern Europe
Education 95% literacy rates Govt supports education Is required University education is becoming more common
Healthcare Varies from country to country Spain has more doctors per person than many other European countries Greece is not so good at delivering health care to its people Govts fund healthcare programs and provided other services
Language Romance languages which are indo European languages derived from Latin (language of Roman Empire) –Italian –Spanish –Portuguese
Religion Italy, Spain, and Portugal is Roman Catholic Most in Greece belong to Greek Orthodox Church Italy and Spain have increasing numbers of followers of Islam
Arts Ancient Greeks and Romans developed many basic architectural elements like columns, arches and domes Many of worlds greatest works of art comes from southern Europe –Leonardo da Vinci: Mona Lisa and Last Supper –Michelangelo: ceiling of Sistine Chapel
Leisure Soccer is most popular sport to play and watch Bullfighting is an important tradition in Spain and Portugal Recreational activities include family gatherings and traditional celebrations
Cultural Geography of Eastern Europe
Countries Serbia Montenegro Bosnia and Herzegovina Croatia Slovenia Macedonia (all of the above were once Yugoslavia=Land of the South Slavs) Czech Republic Poland Hungary and Slovakia Ukraine (near Black Sea) Estonia Latvia, Lithuania Bulgaria Belarus Romania Not mentioned but included in this region: Albania
Population of Eastern Europe
Ethnic Groups in Eastern Europe Most people are Slavic which are descendants from indo-European groups that migrated from Asia and settled into this region South Slavs are your SERBS, CROATS, SLOVENES, AND MACEDONIANS –found in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia (all once Yugoslavia=Land of the South Slavs) –Some are eastern orthodox, some roman Catholics, and some Muslims East Slavs are your UKRANIANS, RUSSIANS, AND BELARUSIANS –Found in the Ukraine and Belarus –Russians are the largest ethnic group in Europe and can trace roots back to ancient Slavic peoples near the Black Sea West Slaves are the Poles, Czechs, and Slovaks –Found in Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia –Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania (Baltic Sea countries) Bulgaria is home to minority group the Romas once called the Gypsies Belarus Romania Not mentioned but included in this region: Albania
High/Low Populations Ukraine and Poland have large populations due to fertile soil and ample water sources to support large populations Largest and most populated country is the Ukraine
Migration Patterns Many people move around eastern Europe or out of it to avoid difficult economic and political circumstances WWII dramatically effected population of Poland Other areas populations went down as they tried to escape the control of the Soviet Union
Urbanization Caused by industrialization in the 1900s Most of population live in or around large cities and towns Since SU ended many cities have experienced rebirth Lots of political, economic, and ethnic struggles in this areas history
History and Government of Eastern Europe
The Earliest Peoples Earliest Slavs came from ASIA 1000s of years ago and settled in area that is now Ukraine and Poland They lived with Celtic and Germanic groups In 400s and 500s began moving westward and southward
The Slavic Czechs Slavic Czechs settled in historic region of Bohemia in 500s Slavic groups settled Moravia in late 700s An empire was created by joining the two areas and it took up much of central Europe
Slavic Groups in Balkan Peninsula Mountainous area Slavs here created the independent states of CROATIA, SERBIA, AND SLOVENIA But the OTTOMAN EMPIRE took control and ruled the Slavs here for 500 years from
The Eastern Slavs Though some Slavs moved west to get away from Asian invaders others stayed put The eastern Slavs settled in forests and plains of the Ukraine and Belarus One settlement was called Kiev and the area around it became known as Kievan Rus
Slavic Groups B/T Carpathian Mountains& Danube River Further south the lands b/t the Carpathian mts and Danube River were conquered by the Romans The Romans gave it a new name: Romania This area was continuously invade till the 1100s
The Byzantine Empire Eastern half of the former Roman Empire Lasted for 1000 years after fall of Rome Did not follow the leadership up pope and created new form of Christianity called Eastern Orthodoxy The area was protected from the invasions of the Arabs and Turks that other Slavic groups had to put up with Empire fell in 1453 to the Turks who made it part of the Ottoman Empire
Instability in the Balkan Peninsula Caused by power struggles b/t ethnic groups and fighting over religion Ottoman Empire was overthrown by the Balkan Slavs in early 1900S and Yugoslavia was formed which means “land of the South Slavs” Unfortunately they did not get along Balkanization: division of a region into smaller regions that are often hostile with each other was caused by all the fighting
World War Two Many battles were fought in eastern Europe Different groups also occupied and controlled the nations during the war After the war, Yugoslavia became communist as did many other eastern European nations that were under the control of the Soviet Union
Cold War Began over division of communist eastern Europe and democratic western Europe. Basically the US wanted all nations of Europe to be democratic and Soviet Union wanted them to be communist Competed over convincing more countries to be like them
1990s Yugoslavia split along ethnic lines into Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia Some republics of the Soviet Union declared their independence Ethnic hatred set off violence in Bosnia, Herezoanvnia, and Kosovo Ethnic cleansing was practiced which is a policy to expel or kill off rival ethnic groups (this was done by the Serbs) International peacekeeping efforts were sent to help the refugees return home Former communist govts struggled to become more democratic and build market economies
Currently Some eastern Europeans countries have joined the EU Trying to get as modernized as the rest of Europe but are behind
Culture of Eastern Europe
Religions Common religions are ROMAN CATHOLICISM, EASTERN ORTHODOXY, AND ISLAM Lots of conflicts in Balkans over religious and ethnic differences
Education Literacy rates are HIGH School is REQUIRED AND FREE OF CHARGE
Healthcare Challenges are faced in former Soviet bloc countries as become democratic govts This includes providing healthcare to its citizens though most have access to it
Art Folk and classical music is important among CZECH, HUNGARIAN, SLOVAK, AND SLOVENE PEOPLES Modern music from western Europe and US is popular in large cities Have great fiction writers
Family Life Tend to be smaller than in past Some live in large extended families
Leisure Activities Many swimming and other facilities are available in these nations because the former Soviet Union encouraged sports and physical education programs Spending time with family Traditional meals
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