What has interested you so far?
To get you thinking… How significant was the role of the KKK in preventing black equality Assess the short term significance of Susan B Anthony v US on the Women's Suffrage movement To what extent was the "Ghost Dance" religion the cause of the wounded knee massacre Assess the significance of the "narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas" on the abolitionist movement How significant was Harriet Beecher Stow's uncle Tom's Cabin in causing the American Civil War. To what extent did Reconstruction improve the quality of life for African Americans in the years ? Assess the significance of the Dredd Scott case in causing the American Civil War How significant was the use of Black Soldiers in the North's victory in the Civil War Assess the impact of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments on securing Black Civil Rights up to To what extent did Reconstruction improve the quality of life for African Americans in the years ? What was the short term significance on Ida B Wells Barnett in improving equality in America from Assess the significance of Abraham Lincoln's leadership of the Northern states in the outcome of the Civil War How significant was the role of the KKK in preventing black equality Assess the significance of the trial of Susan B. Anthony for illegal voting
Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe? What was her book about? (Background Knowledge and Understanding - context) Who was Harriet Beecher Stowe? What was her book about? (Background Knowledge and Understanding - context) Is there a debate surrounding his significance in causing the Civil War? When the author of the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, visited Abraham Lincoln at the White House in December 1862, Lincoln reportedly greeted her by saying, “Is this the little woman who made this great war?” Is there a debate surrounding his significance in causing the Civil War? When the author of the novel Uncle Tom's Cabin, Harriet Beecher Stowe, visited Abraham Lincoln at the White House in December 1862, Lincoln reportedly greeted her by saying, “Is this the little woman who made this great war?” What impact did the book have on people, the abolitionist movement and the south, election of Lincoln? What were the consequences of the book? Did it heighten tensions? Did it make a difference? What change did it make happen? What were the consequences of the book? Did it heighten tensions? Did it make a difference? What change did it make happen? Are there enough contemporary sources about the book? Resource centre at “Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American Culture” University of Virginia Are there enough contemporary sources about the book? Resource centre at “Uncle Tom’s Cabin and American Culture” University of Virginia
So what has interested you so far? Get into small groups with like minded people. Go to the LRC and research – what could you focus on? Look at the footnotes used in the books, the bibliographies etc. Is there enough debate and contemporary material to support your enquiry? Discuss it with each other. Remember the ability to analyse, evaluate and use contemporary source material (AO2) requires you to be able to explore the implications of the evidence you are using, to see where it points in different directions, or has limitations, and to give weight to the evidence in order to reach conclusions. The qualities of high level AO2a work are: – discriminating selection and use of sources – integration of evidence into an argument – exploration of evidence in the context of the values of the society from which it is drawn – careful consideration of the status of the evidence (i.e. how much reliance we can place on it). Explicit evaluation of the sources, their strengths and limitations will also normally form part of that argument. Download Student checklist from VLE. January nd Research! January nd Research! January 7: Look at past examples – Note: Questions. Structure. Sources. How can this exercise help inform your enquiry? January 7: Look at past examples – Note: Questions. Structure. Sources. How can this exercise help inform your enquiry?
The Sources You need to use both secondary sources and sources contemporary to the period to support your answers. Students should use around 4-5 contemporary sources and 3-4 secondary sources. Sources should be used with own knowledge and integrated into a sustained and focused assessment of the significance of the chosen factor (cross referencing and evaluation of contemporary sources + examining and integrating secondary sources). A key aspect of this question is how well you select sources that are appropriate in answering this question.
Harriet Beecher Stowe Document Would this be a good source to choose? What extracts could you select? How could we integrate it into an argument. Can we explore of evidence in the context of the values of the society from which it is drawn? Is this a reliable piece of evidence – is it limited?
Come up with suitable questions Get into small groups. Discuss what you have discovered so far. Share ideas and research. Collect your ‘Student Checklist’ can you meet the criteria? January 14 th Planning the Question January 14 th Planning the Question
The Question Complete your ‘Student Checklist’. Make a bibliographical list demonstrating your possible sources – secondary and contemporary. Remember: In Part A, moderators will be looking for: – the ability to analyse and evaluate short-term significance (AO1 13 marks) – the ability to analyse, evaluate and use contemporary source material (AO2 12 marks). See me with your chosen topic, material and question. Begin planning and collecting your sources. January 21 st Planning January 21 st Planning