1 Текст заголовка Текст подзаголовка на заданную тему Petrozavodsk Development Strategy till 2025
Contemporary Petrozavodsk Petrozavodsk is a capital of the Republic of Karelia Distance to Moscow – 1091 km Distance to St.Petersburg – 412 km Distance to the state Russian – Finnish border – 311 km
Contemporary Petrozavodsk.... City area – 135 square km. Population people Working-age population people Economic entities Unemployment level ( , officially registered) - 1,6% Capital investment - 9,6 billion rubles (2015)
Contemporary Petrozavodsk.... Divisions of economic activity: - electric power industry -metal fabrication industries -forestry and wood-working -food, consumer goods and printing industries -construction materials industry -transport, communications, IT -education and science -trade and catering -services and tourism
Sister-cities partnership agreements with the cities of 11 countries of the world: Varkaus and Joensuu (Finland) La Rochelle (France) Umea (Sweden) Neubrandenburg and Tuebingen (Germany) Mo i Rana (Norway) Duluth (USA) Brest (Belarus) Nikolayev (Ukraine) Echmiadzin (Armenia) Alytus (Lithuania) Narva (Estonia)
Petrozavodsk development strategy Petrozavodsk social-economic development strategy till 2025 Approved by the City Council, February 18, 2015 Consists of 6 strategic projects 6
Petrozavodsk development strategy 1. Industrial cluster (incl. wood processing, food industry, construction materials, etc. ) -infrastructure development -businesses’ diversification -creation of new companies -attracting investment -logistics’ development -new products’ development -personnel training 7
Petrozavodsk development strategy 2. Education, Research and Innovation cluster -integration of academic and university science and production -support of youth scientific and innovation activities -development of product-oriented support systems -creation of industrial-technological parks 8
Petrozavodsk development strategy 3. Petrozavodsk agglomeration Petrozavodsk + Kondopoga, Prionezhje and Pryazha districts = 53% of Karelia’s population and 10 % of the region’s territory. -inter-municipal cooperation -joint planning of territorial and economic development -realization of complex development projects -elaboration of a common development strategy 9
Petrozavodsk development strategy 4. Water cluster -ship-building, ship-repairing and water tourism development -development of traditional wooden vessels’ construction -infrastructure development 10
Petrozavodsk development strategy 5. Petrozavodsk – a model territory for the civil society development - public participation -development of social activities, art patronage, volunteers' movement, charity -creation of the city public spaces and events -e-democracy system development -co-partnership development
Petrozavodsk development strategy 6. Petrozavodsk: cultural dimension -development of creative cultural environment -heritage conservation -Infrastructure development -elaboration of large-scale cultural projects -event-tourism -personnel training 12
Petrozavodsk today Petrozavodsk City Administration 13
PR and International Cooperation Department