2002-2010 Main goals: To survey, document and analyse the actual state of the vegetation heritage of Hungary: natural and semi-natural grasslands, marshlands,


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Presentation transcript:

Main goals: To survey, document and analyse the actual state of the vegetation heritage of Hungary: natural and semi-natural grasslands, marshlands, wetlands, woodlands and shrublandsTo survey, document and analyse the actual state of the vegetation heritage of Hungary: natural and semi-natural grasslands, marshlands, wetlands, woodlands and shrublands To set up MÉTA database & provide servicesTo set up MÉTA database & provide services To prepare a comprehensive handbook and atlasTo prepare a comprehensive handbook and atlas * Molnár, Zs., S. Bartha, T. Seregélyes, E. Illyés, Z. Botta-Dukát, G. Tímár, F. Horváth, A. Révész, A. Kun, J. Bölöni, M. Biró, L. Bodonczi, Á. Deák József, P. Fogarasi, A. Horváth, I. Isépy, L. Karas, F. Kecskés, Cs. Molnár, A. Ortmann-né Ajkai & Sz. Rév (2007): A grid-based, satellite-image supported, multi-attributed vegetation mapping method (MÉTA). Folia Geobotanica 42: MÉTA Programme* LANDSCAPE ECOLOGICAL VEGETATION MAPPING of HUNGARY

Stakeholders, users Vegetation & Ecology ResearchersVegetation & Ecology Researchers Ministry of Environment & WaterMinistry of Environment & Water Nature Conservation AuthorityNature Conservation Authority Rural and Landscape ManagementRural and Landscape Management Environmental Education (gov/NGO)Environmental Education (gov/NGO) * Molnár, Zs., S. Bartha, T. Seregélyes, E. Illyés, Z. Botta-Dukát, G. Tímár, F. Horváth, A. Révész, A. Kun, J. Bölöni, M. Biró, L. Bodonczi, Á. Deák József, P. Fogarasi, A. Horváth, I. Isépy, L. Karas, F. Kecskés, Cs. Molnár, A. Ortmann-né Ajkai & Sz. Rév (2007): A grid-based, satellite-image supported, multi-attributed vegetation mapping method (MÉTA). Folia Geobotanica 42: Service provider Institute of Ecology & Botany Hungarian Academy of Sciences IEB-HAS,

Phytosociology plant species compositionplant species composition sampling (relevé) basedsampling (relevé) based strong traditionstrong tradition 1 : : too specializedtoo specialized not include allnot include all A new Habitat Classification System was developed (shaded) CORINE LCover include all LC typesinclude all LC types EU standardEU standard 1 : : mainly man- influencedmainly man- influenced no biodiversity relevanceno biodiversity relevance Habitat Classification all (semi-)natural habitat typesall (semi-)natural habitat types strong BioDiv relevancestrong BioDiv relevance equivalent & complement to N2000 habitatsequivalent & complement to N2000 habitats Hungary & Pannonian EcoregionHungary & Pannonian Ecoregion > 600 types 86 categories26 LC class

…Marshes: Eu- and mesotrophic reed and Typha beds,Eu- and mesotrophic reed and Typha beds, Oligotrophic reed and Typha beds of fens, floating fensOligotrophic reed and Typha beds of fens, floating fens Glyceria, Sparganium and Schoenoplectus bedsGlyceria, Sparganium and Schoenoplectus beds Water-fringing helophyte beds with ButomusWater-fringing helophyte beds with Butomus… Dry deciduous woodlands: Closed termophilous oak woodlandsClosed termophilous oak woodlands White oak scrub woodlandsWhite oak scrub woodlands Turkey oak - sessile oak woodlandsTurkey oak - sessile oak woodlands … Habitat category examples* * Bölöni, J., Zs. Molnár, E. Illyés & A. Kun (2007): A new habitat classification and manual for standardized habitat mapping. Annali di Botanica (nuova serie) 7:

Photo Album of Habitats

Standard Habitat Description Detailed description

Raster (MÉTA hexagon) basedRaster (MÉTA hexagon) based Image supportedImage supported Multi-attributedMulti-attributed Field workField work Field Survey Methodology 1 km

Produced Habitat Maps from MÉTA databasefrom MÉTA database hexagon basedhexagon based multi-attributedmulti-attributed from regional to countrywidefrom regional to countrywide 5 km „All habitat view” – pie chart map

Habitat Maps „Single habitat view” – gradual color map

Landscape processes, land use land transformation: habitat loss land transformation: habitat loss  disturbance: degradation - regeneration ! - invasion species/population loss, change, gaindisturbance: degradation - regeneration ! - invasion species/population loss, change, gain Naturalness – high relevance to biodiversity & nature conservationto biodiversity & nature conservation to ecosystem services & ecological stabilityto ecosystem services & ecological stability to sustainabilityto sustainability Other features example Qualifying habitats - NATURALNESS

Habitat DiversityHabitat Diversity Natural Capital IndexNatural Capital Index Sustainable Land Use ClassesSustainable Land Use Classes Application example Biodiversity & Landscape Indicators

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