Emerging Usage Patterns in MBSE Modeling Libraries MBSE - Usability Group January 26, 2013 SoS Modeling Framework at Honeywell Domain-Specific Customization at JPL Vehicle Model Architecture at Ford Motor Company Tailoring a Library Element at Rockwell Collins Addressing MBSE Adoption with Model Templates
MBSE Usability Group – Collaboration Process Identify & prioritize modeling use cases Study exemplars for each use case –Emphasize full-scale industrial applications –Span a wide range of usage patterns –Example: Libraries use case exemplars from: Rockwell Collins, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, BAE Systems, Honeywell Synthesize and publish exemplars : –Ex: “Emerging Usability Patterns in the Application of Modeling Libraries” (Submitted to 2013 INCOSE International Symposium) –Ex: Making assertions based upon modeling (Pending in 2013) Create a document that offers guidance on usability issues –Ex: Developing and Managing Modeling Libraries (Pending in 2013) Customized Propulsion Schematic from JPL
MBSE Usability Group: Agenda for the Workshop Saturday – Review & discuss five library usage exemplars: –Building a Fine-Grained Simulation Model – David Lempia –Libraries and Domain-Specific Modeling – Bjorn Cole –MBSE Libraries for Automotive Engineering – Judy Che –Library Templates to Support Learning and Modeling Efficiency – George Sawyer –Practical Application of a Geographically Dispersed Modeling and Simulation Environment – Craig Schimmel & Ron Lyells Sunday - Plan for 2013 –Define Elements of an MBSE Library Development & Management Document – Facilitator: David Lempia –Use Case: Making assertions based upon models – Facilitator: Bjorn Cole Planning exemplar development in 2013 –Others emerging from meeting… Vehicle Model Architecture from Ford Motor Company
Libraries MBSE Usability IW 2013 David Lempia
Library Use Cases A MBSE library –a set of language, process, and tools –needed to create, find, and use library elements to –build a product model Product Modeler –Create product model
Create product model Find –UI1 – Find and understand usage of library element
Create product model Add –UI2 – Minimize steps needed to add, resize, and position pins (template/pattern) –UI3 – Graphically show if a pin is an input or output –UI4 – Custom icons standard language –UI9 - Resolve dependencies on other library elements
Create product model Tailor –UI5 – Graphically display items that can be tailored (icon language)
Create product model Tailor –UI6 – Warn users of incompatible connection types
Publish set of common library elements Package the library element –UI 10 – It is difficult to package and share all artifacts Requirements Design Implementation Test Test results –UI 11 – It is difficult to document the help on a library element.
Conclusion To improve the usability of libraries, changes are needed to both –SysML Language –Tools
Libraries and Domain-Specific Modeling Bjorn Cole (Presented by Scott Workinger)
MBSE Workshop Library Support Usability To make libraries for a given domain, need to be able to clearly and easily mark the employment of this domain –Specialized icons Diagram Interchange standards development can be very helpful here –Marking of the diagram as not a standard SysML diagram but rather a new specialization (and restriction on the view) Diagram is not necessarily a model element so Generalization not guaranteed Domain libraries are easier to collect than system-oriented libraries, but this does shift the burden of synthesis downstream
MBSE Workshop What Do Non-Executable Libraries Offer? “Best in Class Algorithms” –What does this mean in SysML? –Rather than high-performance algorithms, models that are well-formed to support high-performance algorithms as data objects –Aids to making descriptive models descriptive For users - where are the semantic zoom points? –E.g., in propulsion: tanks at thrusters at all levels, maybe valves not until one or two levels of depth How should the model elements lead the user? –In viewing? –In updating? –In composing?
MBSE Workshop Example – Customizing MagicDraw to express library in domain view
MBSE Workshop How Do We Connect Domain to Model? Two motivations for the domain expert: –Quickly know impacts from other domains –Not have to answer repetitive requests from system level Make the views in terms of the domain, but make it explicit in mapping to SysML –True usability requires the availability of a clear illustration how authoring in the domain view really is modifying the model (because all abstractions are leaky and users will need to know what to ask when the leak is impactful) –This will often be an opportunity to refine semantics from generic SysML to a describable version, for example: Connectors in UML describe a link that may exist between two parts Propulsion connections describe a path for fluid that does exist between parts The model will now have parts that can have other things connected to them –How can we map in UI “affordances” (for example, on the propulsion tank, let the user choose parts from the library or stretch it in length or diameter or thickness?) and their proper way to modify the SysML model?
MBSE Workshop
Last Update: 9-Jun-16 MBSE LIBRARIES FOR AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERING Judy Che, Ford Motor Company
19 9-Jun-16 Model Sharing and Collaboration Vision TransmissionEngineDrivelineElectricalChassis Parameterized System Models from each Domain Domain models Developed in dedicated Domain Areas Released to Central Project areas for integration Multiple Projects/Vehicle System Models Set of model integration requirements
Vehicle Model Architecture High-level modular structure for dynamic vehicle modeling Key vehicle subsystems are represented as distinct elements Subsystem connections specified through well-defined interfaces Signals distributed to subsystems via defined bus structure Structure & interface are fixed, model content is not
21 9-Jun-16 Use Case Build domain models – Plant and Controls for each subsystem –Create re-usable libraries of component models with varying levels of fidelity Integrate appropriate components to build up vehicle system model based on a vehicle model architecture – based on desired analysis Use Variant Management to configure model selection and auto-wire models together TransmissionEngineDrivelineElectricalChassis Plnt Ctrl Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High Lo Med High
22 9-Jun-16 Model Coordination
23 9-Jun-16 Rules and Recommendations Need capability to specify, assess compatibility, edit, save and apply Model Variant choices Specify a set of model choices for a particular analysis (i.e. Fuel Economy simulation, performance, etc) Assess model choice compatibility – i.e. between plant and controls models –Use meta-data or other mechanism to associate “compatible” plant and control models –Verify interfaces line up for hooking up models Signal definition ( e.g. Engine Brake Torque vs. Indicated Torque) Units (Nm or Ft-lbs) Data types (real, integer, etc) Edit and save list of model choices Apply model choices: capability to auto-wiring signals (e.g. in Simulink) –How do you match them up? Ensure – right models and data sets are selected including right versions using version control system Tool Version compatibility –Matlab Simulink 2010b with Dymola Vxxx
Addressing MBSE Adoption with Model Templates George Sawyer (Presented by Scott Workinger)
Possible Starting Points for Creating a New or Adapted SysML System Model Blank model –No support beyond the tool capabilities –Relies entirely on model expertise Problem example models –Good for explaining model concepts –Often not the best choice for a large, complex model development Generic system model template –Can provide a generalized model usable in many different domains –Can provide significant infrastructure Domain-specific module template –Advantages of the generic template plus additional domain infrastructure
Some Elements Currently Included in a Useful Generic Model Template General Infrastructure Elements (e.g. QUDV Extensions, Common Type Definitions, External Tool Integrations) Integration of Vendor-Supplied Infrastructure Elements (e.g. QUDV Library, Use Case Elements) System Design Structure designed For simultaneous multi-user access, And reuse of model elements
Inclusion of “Pro-Forma” Examples for Correct Usage of Model Elements and Diagrams
Practical Application Of Geographically Dispersed Modeling And Simulation Environment Presented by Ron Lyells Presented at Board Meeting 21 January / 24 January 2012
Integrating Self Organizing Simulation Environments 20 Technology Locations Worldwide B Prague Aero Prague Toulouse, France Aero Toulouse Minneapolis, MN Aero Minneapolis Redmond, WA Aero Redmond Torrance, CA Aero Torrance Phoenix, AZ Aero Deer Valley Aero Phoenix Engines Tucson, AZ Aero Tucson Albuquerque, NM Aero Albuquerque Olathe, KS Aero Olathe Clearwater, FL Aero Clearwater Morristown, NJ Honeywell Corporate Toronto, Ontario Aero Toronto South Bend, IN Aero South Bend Plymouth, MN Aero Plymouth Glendale, AZ Aero Glendale Tempe, AZ Aero Tempe Des Plaines, IL Aero Des Plaines Columbia, MD Honeywell Technology Solutions Lab Brno Engineerin g
Begin With The User In Mind System of Systems Modeler Database of REAL Framework Models System of Systems Simulation Execution Environment End User (Customer or Product) Metri cs Control Model Compliance, Insert Select, Combine Execute Inform Additional Model Needs Compose simulation system from compatible simulations & models Model Meta-Data Interact Post-analysis system modification needs
You Will Find Yourself Designing An Agile Complex SoS Environment ATC A/C ECS ) A/C FMSSim Control COTS Tools Data Capture Measures Infrastructure evolution: System assembly: Component mix: Component inventory: Rules Object Model Templates Application Protocols Infrastructure SIM Scenario 2 SIM Scenario 3SIM Scenario 1 Components: Simulation Sets, Simulation Tools Standards: DIS IEEE , HLA IEEE Integrity Management Active Passive ‘2000s Industry Assoc Simulation Integrators Simulation Modelers Engineering Functions Interface Specifications SIM API ‘90s‘10sroughly… A/C Pwr © 2002 Paradigm Shift International, Attributed copies permitted.
Discussion & Synthesis Discussion of Libraries Exemplars –Reactions: Did we get it right? –Do we need more libraries exemplars? If so, what are they? And when would you like to present? –General lessons we can draw from the exemplars Tomorrow: Planning for 2013 –Publishing a Guide for Developing & Managing Libraries – Facilitator: David Lempia –Assertion Use Case: Exemplars – Facilitator: Bjorn Cole –Other: Whatever emerges from the group…
MBSE-Usability: Recommendations and Takeaway Points
MBSE Usability Group – Collaboration Process Identify & prioritize modeling use cases Study exemplars for each use case –Emphasize full-scale industrial applications –Span a wide range of usage patterns –Example: Libraries use case exemplars from: Rockwell Collins, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Ford Motor Company, BAE Systems, Honeywell Synthesize and publish exemplars : –Ex: “Emerging Usability Patterns in the Application of Modeling Libraries” (Submitted to 2013 INCOSE International Symposium) –Ex: Making assertions based upon modeling (Pending in 2013) Create a document that offers guidance on usability issues –Ex: Developing and Managing Modeling Libraries (Pending in 2013) Customized Propulsion Schematic from JPL
Recommendations : Implement Service Oriented Architecture Similarities suggest using a SOA Architecture –Separate the interface code from model code Different roles for engineers who model vs. integrate environment Different locations in library for models vs. integration code –Develop Standard Interface Protocols Support: –Collaboration –Plug & Play, Sharing, Re-use –Mashups Vehicle Model Architecture at Ford Motor Company REAL Runtime Architecture at Honeywell
Recommendations: The User Experience Understand libraries as a crucial corporate asset. Make exemplars of correct usage available in templates to streamline training and work (Put the best at people’s fingertips.) –Best Practices / Process examples –Example models –Generic –Domain-Specific –Best of class algorithms Design the user experience. –Understand your users. (Most users will not be modeling geeks!) –Keep it simple –Support flow –Make it “write once” for the modeler –Create an immersive environment for users –Persistent real time environment for training and model building As if it was a multi-player game (Because it is!)
Domain-Specific Modeling Support using the graphical language of the domain Support the standard domain views Support user-customizable views and domain objects in: –The modeling frame –The library view Support mapping domain objects into SysML (easily!)
Recommendations: Power Tools For trade studies: –Support Model Variants –Support Parameter Sets Representational Power –Support Rich Objects –Support Architecture & Design Patterns Create an end user programming environment –Enhance modeling efficiency by supporting macros. –Bring power to programs with abstract binding capabilities. –Allow objects to tailor themselves when placed. –Make it as easy to use as a spreadsheet
Recommendations: SupportingCollaboration Immersive Multi-Modeler Environment –Shared awareness –Supporting spiral of meaning Dialog about applying modeling during projects Dialog about library objects –New insights into library components –Emerging architectural & design patterns Dialog happens inside the modeling environment
Usability Group Plan for Library Guide: Developing and Managing Libraries 2.Use Case: Supporting Decisions with Assertions based upon MBSE models 3.On the side: Stand up a user forum
Thank you for your engagement….