Care Inspectorate Catherine Agnew Inspector Manager - Registration
Care Inspectorate Scotland’s independent scrutiny and improvement body for care, social work and child protection services was set up under the ‘Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010’ carries out the functions by the former Care Commission, HMIE child protection team and Social Work Inspection Agency (SWIA).
Our purpose is to: assure and protect everyone that uses care, social work and children’s services deliver efficient, effective regulation and inspection act as a catalyst for change and innovation support improvement and signpost good practice.
We regulate and inspect to improve the quality of care, social work and child protection services in Scotland. This includes: around 15,000 care services social work and child protection services within Scotland’s 32 local authorities. What we do
Care Inspectorate Responsibilities Registration Inspection Complaints Enforcement
Interim organisational Structure Four Inspection/Enforcement Areas – –North –South –Central and West –East National Registration Team National Complaints Team
The National Registration Team Responsible for all variations and registrations
Registration - changes New application form Provider Manager – medical reference social work check Declarations – history of company involvement Records and Notification Guidance
Variations Conditions of registration - compliance Variations to service - 3 months notice period required
Records that you must retain: Name address and DOB Date started or stopped using service Details of next of kin/emergency contact Details of GP Records of any deaths Restraint if used Accidents and incidents Records of meetings with other agencies Staff records Record of training needs Maintenance records Medication Records of fire drills Complaints
Notifications you must make: Accidents, incidents or injuries Outbreak of infectious diseases Death of service user Allegation of abuse in relation to a service user Significant equipment breakdown Allegations of misconduct Criminal convictions of manager Provider becomes unfit Appointment of liquidator Absence of manager Alterations to the premises Change of registration details Persons living at the registered premises
Inspection Monitor the quality of care Confirm good practice Identify poor practice and make sure it improves Inform the public
Inspection - 4 quality themes Quality of care and support Quality of environment Quality of staffing Quality of management and leadership
Inspection Frequency Daycare of Children Grades of 4 or above Under 3’s – 24 months Over 3’s – 36 months
Complaints The Complaints Team is responsible for all complaints about Care Inspectorate, reviews and complaints about services received after 1 April 2011
Complaints to Care Inspectorate People can make complaints: Investigation - visit to service Complaint report Complaint Resolution Letter Action Plan Complainant has right of appeal Re-grading Follow up any requirements or recommendations at next inspection report
Complaints Procedure All services require to have a complaints procedure: –Appropriate to needs of service users and available –Complaints must be fully investigated –Within 20 days inform the complainant of the outcome –Details of Care Inspectorate
Enforcement Undertaken by inspection team –Condition notice –Emergency condition notice –Improvement notice –Emergency cancellation of registration
Personal Plans Good services have already been keeping this information! SSI 2011/210 Regulation 5 –After consultation within 28 days all service users must have a personal plan –Personal plans should be available to service users and representatives and be reviewed at least be reviewed every 6 months –Or sooner if required
Personal Plans –Look at what you have – all about me – children's profiles or enrolment forms - these can be adapted to be the personal plan –A personal plan shows you know the child in your care and their changing needs and how you meet these
Contents of Personal Plan Draft Information about the child - Name, address and DOB The date the child started using the service Details of the next of kin or of any person authorised to act or consent for the person using the service, including their name, address, telephone number and address. Emergency contact details The name and address of the GP
Contents cont: Any additional support needs the child may have – health, communication, psychological -. details of how these needs will be met by the care service Any allergies Likes/dislikes Risk assessments (indoor and outings) - should identify what is needed e.g. extra staff/equipment/resources. Record/Diary – to record any updates or significant events Evidence of permissions – extended outings, medication for example Records of any medications given (where relevant) Evidence the plan is reviewed
In 2011/12 we will: inspect care and social work services and target our resources on poor performers complete the joint inspection programme of services to protect children develop integrated inspection of children’s services.
For care services this means: more unannounced inspections more focus on poorer and high risk services continuing to grade services and assess risk more emphasis on validated self evaluation.
read inspection reports and talk to the service get to know the National Care Standards visit talk to us or make a complaint, if they need to. People who use services, their carers and relatives can:
How to contact us visit: call our helpline: