World Religions
5 Major World Religions Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism
Terms to Know Monotheism: belief that there is only one god. Polytheism: belief in / worship of more than one god.
Judaism Religion of the Hebrew people. Monotheistic Founder: Abraham –Covenant (agreement) with God Holy Book: The Torah –First 5 books of the Old Testament
Basic Beliefs: –10 Commandments –People should lead moral lives –God will send a Messiah (savior)
Judaism Founded in Judea (Palestine) Mostly practiced in Europe, the US, and the Middle East (Israel).
Christianity Religion of Christ and his followers. Monotheistic Founder: Jesus Christ –Son of God Holy Book: The Bible –Old AND New Testament
Basic Beliefs: –10 Commandments –People should live moral lives –Jesus IS the Messiah (savior)
Christianity Founded in Palestine Mostly practiced in Europe and the US. –Has been spread all over the world by missionaries.
Islam Religion of many Arabs. Monotheistic Founder: Muhammad –Prophet (person who speaks for God) Holy Book: The Qur’an (Koran)
Basic Beliefs: –Five Pillars: Declare your faith Daily Prayer (5x / Day) Paying of Alms (donations) Fasting (during Ramadan) Pilgrimage (to Mecca)
Islam Mecca (Saudi Arabia) is the holiest site in Islam
Islam Founded in Middle East –Mecca and Medina Mainly practiced in the Middle East and North Africa
Hinduism Religion of the Ancient Aryans Polytheistic –Many forms of one god Founder: Ancient Aryans Holy Book: Vedas (scrolls)
Basic Beliefs: –Caste System –Reincarnation – Rebirth of the soul in another body. –Karma – sum of one’s actions that will determine their future state / rebirth
Hinduism Founded in South Asia (India) Mostly practiced in India and South Asia
Buddhism Religion / philosophy based on the teachings of Buddha No formal god Founder: Siddhartha Guatama –Buddha Holy Book: teachings of Buddha
Basic Beliefs: –Four Noble Truths –Eightfold Path to Enlightenment –Rebirth (like Reincarnation) –Karma
Buddhism Founded in South Asia –India? Mostly practiced in China and East Asia