Microsoft Developer’s Camp Pune 2013
1. Install two Symantec CA certs 2. Export with complete cert chain
Secure data storage.aetx.aet MDM SERVER Code signing certificate.aetx Distribute through or secure website AET cannot be deleted through phone UI Distribute during enrollment Upload AETGENERATOR TOOL
C:\temp2>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Tools\AETGenerator\ AETGenerator.exe" c:\temp\Cert.pfx password The Enterprise Id is XXXXXXX AET.xml, AET.aet and AET.aetx file generated Code signing certificate AET.aetx
Publisher ID.aetx Publisher ID.xap Publisher ID.xap AET allows all apps from the same publisher to be installed and run on the phone.aetx 12 months AET is valid for one year and must be renewed after expiration
Store.xap Microsoft signed.xap Enterprise signed Verify with Microsoft certificates Verify with Application Enrollment Token (AET).aetx MDM and Unmanaged
SSP.xap fabk.xap 1 MDIL compile Company developed hub IL code Automatic MDIL compile Microsoft signature 2 Sign MDIL code MDM Company Portal SSP.xap 1 Sign MDIL code Machine-dependent Intermediate Language (MDIL)
C:\temp>XapSignTool.exe sign /SignTool "c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\bin\x86" /f "c:\temp\cer 02.pfx" /p password c:\temp\SSP.xap XapSignTool Success: Successfully signed = c:\temp\SSP.xap SSP.xap MDIL code Company Portal Tool in sign mode Code signing certificate
MDM Server 1. Enroll phone to MDM.aetx MDM provides AET.xap MDM installs Company Portal 2. Use Company Portal to install and view installed company apps
1. Install AET ( , web page) 2. Install Company Hub ( , web page) 3. Use Company Hub to view and install company apps
An enterprise cannot push the AET or apps to the phone Enrollment and app installation require user confirmation.xap PUSH.xap DOWNLOAD