г. 1 г.Санк-Петербург Research and Practical Conference "Accelerators and Radiation Technologies for the future of Russia". HIGH POWER ELV ACCELERATORS ADEQUATE to RADIATION TECHNOLOGIES REQUIREMENTS
Description of the solution and technology Конфиденциально ELV accelerators are the most popular Russian DC accelerator for industrial applications. They are well known in the world. BINP develops and manufactures of these accelerators since ELV accelerators initially were developed for Industrial applications. By now almost 140 ELV accelerators had been delivered inside Russia and abroad. Main features of ELV accelerators are the following: high power of electron beam in wide energy range, high efficiency of conversation of electricity power to electron beam, simple procedure of accelerator control. BINP develops not only accelerators but the set of additional equipment that improve the quality of EB treatment and increases possibility of accelerators. The set of equipment includes: - 2 and 4 side irradiation systems, -underbeam transportation systems, -Syncronisation of accelerator and technology, -extraction of focused beam into atmosphere, etc..
BINP studies the market and adapt parameters of accelerator to the current requirements. ELV accelerators initial parameters were 0.7 MeV and 20 kW. Parameters of last 38 delivered accelerators are: 33 accelerator with power 100 kW 1 accelerator with power 70 kW 2 accelerator with power 50 kW. 2 accelerators with power 20 kW (mobile) 10 accelerators with max. energy 2.5 MeV 11 accelerators with max. energy 1.5 MeV 14 accelerators with max. energy 1.0 MeV or less Delivery place of last 38 accelerators: 3 accelerator - India 1 accelerator - Kazackstan 2 accelerators - Russia 5 accelerators - Korea 27 accelerators - China Current condition and prospects of development Инвестиционный Меморандум КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНО 3
BINP has cooperation in manufacturing and delivering of accelerators. Our collaborator is company EB-TECH from South Korea. Together with this company we are delivering accelerators to different countries of south east Asia. By this way we had solved different kind of problems connected with safety standards, language, and improvement of warranty and post warranty service. The main result of this collaboration that BINP and EB-TECH had delivered inside Korea 16 accelerators while Nissin High Voltage (Japan) had delivered only 1. The similar cooperation is started China. It is due to the increasing of competition from Chinese companies manufacturing accelerators Инвестиционный Меморандум КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНО 4 COOPERATION
Market Конфиденциально The market of accelerators is very specific. 1. Accelerators itself has long operation time (twenty years or more). Now you can found in operation accelerators were produced of last century. 2. Radiation technologies installation is very conservative. It I because there are many requirements of safety authority both accelerator itself and treated products. 3. Large amount of accelerators decreases the economical efficiency of irradiation technologies. For example: the most of accelerators in China were installed in south-east part of China. More over some of accelerators installed in North of China were replaced to South. As a result the price of EB treatment was decreased 10 times during 6-8 years. In the beginning the time to return money for ELV accelerator ( million of USD) was 0.5 – 1year but now it became more longer.
There are No investors for development and improving of parameters of ELV accelerators. It has no meaning right now but will influent in next 5 years Investor of the project realization (implemenation) Конфиденциально
Project team Конфиденциально Total amount of laboratory is 45 persons. 15 scientists and engineers and 25 technicians. We have and feel support of BINP with 3000 of staffs including 600 of scientist.
Cables for bore-hole oil pumps The samples of cables that use components treated by electron beam Cables for nuclear power station B u d k e r I N P
Cable irradiation
2 Japanese (NHV) and 2 Russian (ELV) accelerators are operating at LG cable plant (Korea)