SAB Special Projects Status Report Paul Eastman Special Projects 6/3/14
Special Projects Activity–WGs P Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products (Rev.) P Standard for Environmental Assessment of Servers P1857 Advanced Audio Coding P3333 3D Model Creation Using Unprocessed 3D Medical Data 2CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Overview The P Working Group has been having bi- monthly WG meetings and has formed Materials, Packaging, EoL and Energy sub-groups. The Materials Subgroup and EoL subgroup have started meeting regularly The other groups have had kick-off meetings but have not started meeting regularly. 3CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Change Initiative The WG has decided to explicitly add small scale servers (not otherwise included in ), signage displays and tablets/slates to the scope of the PAR. The definitions of these devices will follow the related Energy Star definitions to align both with Energy Star and These changes to the scope might also expand the stakeholder group which will also be changed in the modified PAR. PAR modification is in the process of being created for approval by the WG and submission to the SAB Special Projects Executive Committee for approval. 4CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Process Overview Working Group convened in October 2013 (face-to-face meeting at IEEE-CS in California) Monthly Working Group meetings –Members –Observers Work Streams underway –3 streams in parallel, as determined by members –Members, Observers, Invited SMEs Membership –Strong representation by manufacturers, suppliers, other industry –Strong representation by academics –Active but limited participation by NGOs and End Users. IEEE/WG continue to solicit participation/membership. –Open membership process 5
Progress to Date Review and agreement on product scope per PAR and latest Energy Star definition. Three Task Groups underway and meeting every 2 weeks: –Energy Efficiency –Materials Selection –Packaging 1 st set of criteria (Energy Efficiency) approved by Working Group –Starting now: End of Life Management Task Group Monthly WG meetings continue; Most Recent Face-to-Face in April (IEEE-SA HQ in NJ) –Agenda included: Definition of “environmental leadership”; balancing required vs. optional criteria, alignment with external standards; defining criteria to allow verification; etc. Extension Request PAR Submitted. 6
P Outlook Based on detailed work plans taking into account IEEE process requirements Best case –1 st working group ballot Dec 2014 –Approval to move to Sponsor Mar 2015 –Sponsor ballot approval Oct 2015 –Published standard Jan 2016 Worst case –1 st working group ballot Jan 2016 –Approval to move to Sponsor Apr 2016 –Sponsor ballot approval May 2017 –Published standard Aug 2017 We are currently tracking about 2 months behind the best case 7
P1857 Purpose and Usage P1857 family can be used for video and audio compression in any possible application systems where bandwidth and/or storage cost are sensitive, like internet video, broadcasting TV, surveillance video, etc.. Currently the first case of P1857 video is adopted by China Central Television for their satellite TV transmission, from the beginning of Other applications like internet video and surveillance video are also scheduled. 8CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P1857 Published Standards IEEE (Video part) –Published on Jun IEEE (Audio part) –Published on Nov IEEE (System part) –Published on Jan IEEE 1857a-2014 (Amendment 1 of video part) –Published on Apr CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P1857 Working Groups IEEE Next Generation Video coding –PAR approved on Dec Developing –Expected to be ready by end of this year IEEE Mobile speech and audio coding –PAR approved on Dec Developed. –Draft ready for WG voting. IEEE Content description –PAR approved on Dec Developing 10CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
SNDateVenueOn site Participants 1Apr Peking University, Beijing, China25 2Jun Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China37 3Jul Peking University, Beijing, China17 4Aug Peking University, Beijing, China13 5Sep Guilin, Guangxi, China30 6Dec Tsinghua University, Beijing, China16 7Mar Louyang, Henan, China12 8Jun Taicang, Jiangsu, China17 9Sep Shenyang, Liaoning, China17 10Dec Peking University, Beijing, China18 11Apr BAPCC, Beijing China11 P1857 Participation
12 P1857 Participation Next meeting (12 th ) will be held in Chengdu, China on July 18, 2014 In conjunction with the ICME 2014 (IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2014).ICME 2014
P3333 Family P3333 consists of a family of 6 approved PARs P Quality of Experience (QoE) and Visual Comfort Assessments of 3D Contents P Perceptual Quality Assessment of 3D Contents P Standard for 3D Medical Modelling P D Medical Visualization P D Medical Data Management P D Medical Simulation 13CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Draft P Quality of Experience (QoE) and Visual Comfort Assessments of 3D Contents 17 voting participants (Individual) from three continents Draft nearly complete MEC review Request to form Balloting Group SAB permission being soughtfor progression 14CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Current Scope This standard establishes the minimum requirements for enabling portability and consistent display of 3D medical images across dedicated 3D display equipment, computers, mobile smart pads and smart phones. This includes standardization of volume image rendering (texture), collaboration of fragmented images and 3D models, data storage, data compression, data transport, motion simulation, 3D platforms, and 3D model management systems. 15CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Summary of WG P&P P is operating under the Entity Method Shall submit documentation required by the Sponsor Distribute agenda at least 5 days prior to the meeting Meeting shall be notified at least 21 days prior to the meeting Qualified entities: Corporation, Partnership(Association), Proprietorship(Company), Government agency, Academic institutions Officers: a Chair and a Secretary, and Vice Chair(s) Shall elect operating officers at the meeting Membership: Needs two consecutive attendance Lost of Membership: Missing two consecutive attendance or ballots May form subgroups for the conduct of business Majority voting (50%): Subgroup formation, minute approval etc. Supermajority (75%): Scope change, draft standards for Sponsor ballot Quorum: ½ of working group members (DR or DRA) Proxy appointments should be notified to Chair & the proxy in written form One may hold no more than two proxy votes in addition to his or her vote 16CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
P Membership Status 14 Entities registered for WG Participation with IEEE-SA entity membership 9 Entities are valid as of Nov., and 4 of them have voting rights after attendance at two consecutive meetings 13 Meetings approximately evry two or three months 17CPS Presentation to IEEE President 12 May 09
Sponsor Activity Summary (YTD) P1680.1Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products (Rev.) P Standard for Environmental Assessment of Servers P1857 Advanced Audio Coding P3333 3D Model Creation Using Unprocessed 3D Medical Data