GEOTRACES ATLANTIC OCEAN PLANNING WORKSHOP Planned Activities 6: German SOLAS work with relevance to GEOTRACES Dr Peter Croot IfM-Geomar FB2 Marine Biogeochemie
SOPRAN German contribution to the international project SOLAS (Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Studies) Funded BMBF-Verbundprojekt
SOPRAN: 4 Research Themes Dust Biogenic Gases Gas Flux Parametrizations High CO 2
SOPRAN: Fe cycles and Saharan Dust
SOPRAN projects with direct relevance to GEOTRACES 1.1 Saharan dust input into the tropical Atlantic Ocean: Quantification and chemical and physical characterization (IfT: Herrmann & Tegen) 1.2 Ecosystem effects of dust deposition (iron and nitrogen) on phytoplankton productivity and nitrogen fluxes (IfM-Geomar: Croot & LaRoche) 1.3 Aggregation and joint sedimentation of mineral dust and organic particles: Modelling the enhanced removal of iron and organic carbon from the mixed layer of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (U Bremen: Balzer & MPI-Hamburg: Meier- Reimer) 1.4 Modelling of iron speciation and kinetics in the tropical mixed layer of the ocean (AWI: Volker & Wolf-Gladrow)
SOPRAN strongly linked to TENATSO EU project: An oceanic time series station situated upwind of Cape Verde – running in parallel with an atmospheric sampling program based nearby on land. Potential Candidate for GEOTRACES Baseline Station in the Eastern Tropical Atlantic
TENATSO LAB: INDP, Mindelo, Cape Verde
See you in the waters off Cape Verde!