Learning from Nature. Father spent time in nature from early morning to late in the evening. He diligently observed and studied nature. His passion to.


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Presentation transcript:

Learning from Nature

Father spent time in nature from early morning to late in the evening. He diligently observed and studied nature. His passion to study nature was greater than that of biologist.

Father found out that once a honey bee started sucking honey, it would not stop no matter what kind of obstacle may come.

Father made a determination, “I will be more patient that a honey bee. Once I start to do something, I will persevere until I accomplish my goal.”

Parent birds really love their children. When Father climbed a tree to see a magpie nest, the parent birds tried to attack Father in order to protect their children. Eventually, Father became their good friend.

Father was taking care of a bull. He was bored. He tied the bull to a tree and went to enjoy the nature.

He forgot all about the bull and enjoyed himself. At the end of the day, he realized it was too late to feed the bull. But the bull was just waiting for Father quietly.

Father was so inspired by the bull. Even though the bull was so hungry, it never complained. It just waited for him to come and then obeyed him. He felt that he had to learn from its attitude.

The End!

Questions: How do you feel when you are in nature? Do you have a pet or take care of plants in your home? Do you think you learned about God’s love and principle from this?