THE SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT 2014 Climate Change and Sustainable Development Republic of Mauritius Promotion of Medicinal Plants with the Women Community “Une Famille, Une Plante” by Doolaree Boodhun (Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development) May /50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 1
SYNOPSIS Since 2012 the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development has embarked on campaign to promote the use of medicinal plants with the women community. Distribution: 2012: 20,000 medicinal plants 2013: 30,000 medicinal plants 2
SYNOPSIS The “Une Famille, Une Plante” campaign set the objective to give at least ONE medicinal plants to each family. Women has a significant influence on family by being a transmitter of knowledge, traditions and values and through the women the whole family is sensitised. The campaigns have been organised in collaboration with various stakeholders including Ministries, NGOs and the civil society.
OBJECTIVES Promote the use of locally available medicinal plants Public rediscover richness of local biodiversity and traditional herbal medicines/ traditional knowledge. Empower women community to make use of free and accessible medicinal plants for their benefits and that of their families. Mitigate effects of climate change. since plants are carbon sinks.
KEY ACTIVITIES Propagation of medicinal plants in nurseries of the Ministry of Environment & SD. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 5
KEY ACTIVITIES The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development is NOT specialist in Medicinal Plants. Sought collaboration of local experts in medicinal plants. Production of booklet and poster in collaboration with Prof A.G. Fakim and from the Ayurvedic Unit of the Ministry of Health and QL
Booklet indicating usage and properties of the medicinal plants is distributed as part of the awareness raising
Poster affixed at public places on the 20 most common plants propagated under the campaign.
KEY ACTIVITIES Distribution of medicinal plants (mobilisation)- CAB offices Sensitisation aspect (climate change, sustainable consumption, biodiversity protection) Use the campaign to carry out sensitisation on other environmental issues (e.g.: Alternatives to plastic bag s)
KEY ACTIVITIES 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Medicinal plants distributed include among others: – Ayapana (Fever and diarrhea) – Aloe Vera (Gastric problems) – Tulsi (Cough and Fever) – Neem (Epigastric pain and asthma) – Citronelle (fever and influenza) – Betel (Fever and Cough) – Vetiver (Fever and Cough) – Camomille (Skin diseases and mouth infection) 6
RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA Amount local currency (specify) Amount in Rand Gender specific allocation Estimated cost for production of 1 medicinal plant: MRU 50 Estimated cost for 1 pamphlet: MRU 5 Estimated cost for production of 1 medicinal plant: ZAR 18 Estimated cost for 1 pamphlet: ZAR 2 TOTAL MUR 55 (Total: 1.6 M) ZAR 20 (600,000) 7
BENEFICIARIES 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA CATEGORYWOMENMENTOTAL% WOMEN Direct beneficiaries e.g. number of parliamentarians trained 27,243 3,02730,27090 % Indirect beneficiaries (e.g. through other networks) 60,540 (estimate of 3 person per family) Total 90,810 8
MONITORING AND EVALUATION Impacts were not measured in a formal way, but rather based on the feedbacks received from the CAB officers and coordinators. The requests for additional plants and request to organise other distribution activities were proof of the appreciation of the women community towards this campaign. According to Statistics, pharmaceutical imports of the Republic of Mauritius is estimated at US$ 88.9M. The use of locally available medication will no doubt bring financial benefits to the community.(empowering women be self dependant) 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 10
Improving Lives Service delivery The fact that the number of plants distributed have increased over the past 2 years shows that the campaign has been successfully implemented Women’s empowerment An example of women empowerment comes from the case of “Association pour L’education des Enfants defovorises (APEDED) 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 11
IMPROVING LIVES Motivate women community to set up entrepreneurship project. A group of women in Chemin Grenier re-grouped themselves in a cooperatives society following shutting down of the textile factory. Set up a project for cultivation, drying and packing of dried leaves of medicinal plants. Commercialisation of the product for use as infusion.
RESULTS Men for change The campaign was targeted towards the whole family through the women community Public participation Overall the campaign targeted also the senior citizens, the youth, but mainly the women community. Changes at the community level The distribution activities were crowd pulling events and was well received by the local communities 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 12
RESULTS Outreach through the media The media (press and TV) were regularly invited to cover distribution activities. Capacity building The example of the association “Association pour l’Education des Enfants Defavorises” is proof that such campaign can encourage the women community to embark on women entrepreneurship projects which are related to medicinal plants. Allow women to have easy access to natural medicines, free of charge for the benefit of their family. (Way for women to move out from violence and dependance) 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 13
RESULTS Changes in attitudes One of the objectives of the campaign is to promote the ‘learning by doing approach’. By just planting a medicinal plant at their homes, people are contributing to mitigate climate change. Changes at a policy level Members of parliaments were also involved during the distribution activities. As a result, the success of the campaign was acknowledged by the decision and policy makers. As a result of the positive feedback received from the public the 2014 National Budget has provided for the planting of 200,000 tree/plants over the next 2 years. (Area of Mauritius being Km 2 ) 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 14
LESSON LEARNED AND INNOVATION Match production with demand Make sure that we are able to produce /propagate the required amount of plants. Created a synergy with various stakeholders, including other Ministries, Local Authorities, NGO’s and the private sectors: Looking the possibility to increase the variety of medicinal plants which are distributed The campaign has been extended to other target groups – Youth, school community The “Un Enfant, Une Plante” campaign has been launched in April 2014 for the Earth Day. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 15
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION The campaign is already being sustained as we are working with other stakeholders (Community Centres, SWC and Local Authorities) We are also developing a National Tree planting campaign “Tree for Clean Air”. The same distribution process will be used for this campaign as well. Targeting other target groups namely the youth community with the “Un Enfant, Une Plante” programme Working on the setting up of a “Tree Caravan” 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 17
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION Concept of tree planting not new to countries of Africa. Promotion of plants and tree planting activities started in Africa with the campaign from UNEP ‘Plant for the planet: Billion tree campaign’ where trees were planted in Kenya in Further initiative from the Green Belt Movement by late Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Prize Winner where trees were planted in Kenya Mau Forest.
SUSTAINABILITY AND REPLICATION Promotion of medicinal plants not only have an environmental dimension but also have economic benefits and consider the health care aspects. Main points to consider are: Capacity to cultivate and propagate the medicinal plants at low cost. Adequate info on the plants and advice to the public to use them safely. Our project were supported by local experts.
KEY PRIORITIES FOR 2014 What will the focus in the next year? Priorities for 2014: – Sustaining the campaign – Working with other target groups (Youth, School Community, Senior Citizens, Employees of the Sugar sector, Private sectors and the general public) – Setting up of a Tree Caravanne – Free distribution of plants and Trees in different area of the island. 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA 18
Thank You for your Attention 50/50 BY 2015: DEMANDING A STRONG POST 2015 AGENDA