Site 57 Hämeenlinna, Finland 31st Meeting April 2015 Kjeller Tiina Vuorio HAMK Sheet Metal Centre Visakaarre 9, Hämeenlinna, Finland Tel
HAMK Sheet Metal Centre Fields of expertise: Sheet metal forming and joining Test loading and analysis Weathering testing and durability
Sheet metal forming and joining Strain analysis (ARAMIS, ARGUS, ASAME) Formability testing (FLC, LDR, Erichssen test) Numerical analysis of forming processes Embrittlement, friction and springback tests Joining of sheet metal
Testing of steel structures Steel and sheet metal structures, mostly cold- formed thin-walled steel structures. Full-sized structures, elements, joints, fastenings. Analysis of load-bearing structures. Consulting related to practical design work.
Weathering testing and long- term durability Development of metallic and organic coil coatings. Corrosion and weathering testing: Corrosion testing, simulating the sunlight, condensation testing, climate chamber, color and gloss measurements, mechanical testing.
Site 57 Hämeenlinna Finland
Old SMC New SMC ICP tests Climate data
Testing Materials: carbon steel, weathering steel, zinc, copper, glass & limestone.
Environmental parameters in Hämeenlinna SFS-EN ISO 9223 in Hämeenlinna: Very little SO 2, P 0, 0,96 µg/m 3. Very little Chloride, S 0, 0,35 mg/m 2. Average temperature 6,8 °C. Average rainfall 615 mm. Average relative humidity 80 %. Total solar radiation per year 3536 MJ/m 2. Corrosivity category C2 according to environmental data.
Average temperature
Average rainfall
Our current test fields Hämeenlinna: Finnish climate. Mustiala: test field in a forest for biological growth.
South North
Corrosion rates in Finland SFS-EN ISO 9223:2012 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Corrosivity of atmospheres. Classification, determination and estimation. Corrosivity estimation based on environmental information. Corrosion rates (µm/a) in Finland for carbon steel based on environmental data 1,3 corrosivity category C2.
Research project We are always interested to take part in international research projects.
Thank you!