U.S. History
Seminole Wars were the bloodiest and longest Indian Wars in U.S. history
The “Seminoles” were actually Oconee Creek Indians who fled Georgia in the 1700’s to escape American colonial immigration west (“cimmarones” to Spanish)
Americans in Georgia / Alabama were angered by the Seminole acceptance of runaway slaves into their villages (they became members of the tribes)
U.S. / Seminole Conflicts Begin (1812 – 1816)
Col. Daniel Newman (1812) leads 250 Georgia volunteers into East Florida to "punish the Seminoles", but also brought a survey crew with him to let his men have a first look at the new land that will soon be available.
By Sept, most of his crew wanted to return to Georgia (only 75 stayed)
In "Paynes Prairie" (near Gainesville), the troops run into 75 Seminoles (very violent fight)
Col. Newman tries to dig in, but eventually has to retreat back to Georgia after 18 days of fighting (lost 17 men in the retreat)
John Williams (1813) leads 250 Tennessee volunteers to finish Newman’s job (his mounted men were excellent Indian fighters back home)
Williams planned to starve the Seminoles out of Florida (burned villages and food supplies, forcing the Seminoles to retreat to the Peace River area)
In 1816, the "Negro Fort" was an abandoned British fort along Apalachicola River used by Seminoles and runaway slaves (to launch raids into Georgia / Alabama)
Col. Duncan Clinch is ordered by Gen. Andrew Jackson to attack the fort to recapture slaves and push the Seminoles south (they chose to fight)
After 4 days, U.S. shoots a “hot shot” to hit the fort (it hits a gun-powder supply and kills 334 Seminoles / slaves)
Seminoles / British Actions in Spanish Florida n Two
Nov. 21, 1817, U.S Army attacks the Seminole village of “Fowltown” in retaliation for an attack on a town in Georgia and to capture Neamathla (U.S. discovers that the British have been arming the Seminoles)
Nov. 30, 1817; the Seminoles attack a U.S. boat carrying sick soldiers to Fort Scott (killed all men, women, and children (accused of bashing the children’s heads on the boat)
Andrew Jackson (hero of War of 1812) was a violent Indian fighter with a hatred of the Spanish / British (operated in Florida without U.S. approval)
Jackson leads 4,000 men (2,000 Indians) into Florida and begins to attack Seminole / Spanish interests
Jackson executes two British agents (Robert Ambrister (shot) / Alexander Arbuthnot (hanged), charging them with arming the Seminoles (outrages Britain )
By the time he leaves, Jackson has pushed the Seminoles away from Georgia and shut down the escape routes of runaway slaves and eventually leads to Spain ceding Florida to the United States.
Gov. William Duval tries to get the Seminoles to join the Creeks on the reservation (too much tribal hatred between the Seminoles and Creeks)
"Treaty of Moultrie Creek" (1823) was signed by the Seminoles (Chief Neamathla and 70 others) and James Gadsden (removing the Seminoles from northern Florida)
1. Seminoles give up all claims to Florida. 2. Seminoles move south (4 million acre reservation) 3. Seminoles may not live within 20 miles of the coast 4. U.S. will pay the Seminoles $5,000 per year.
By the 1830's, most Americans wanted all Indians shipped out west and placed on reservations (off of good farmland)
1832) was an agreement by Seminole chiefs to leave Florida within 3 years for Arkansas (delegation of Seminoles leave for Arkansas to see the reservation)
Wiley Thompson becomes the Seminole Indian Agent and arranged for the Seminoles to be shipped to Oklahoma (ordered them to prepare for emigration)
In a famous stand, Osceola drives his knife into the treaty (refuses to agree to it and threatening death to any Seminole who does)
To seize control, Osceola murders Charlie Emathla (who had “sold out” by signing the treaty) and Wiley Thompson outside Fort King (Ocala)
Many houses and plantations are attacked by the Seminoles along the St. John’s River
In December of 1835, Maj. Frances Dade is attacked by 180 Seminoles (led by Jumper, Alligator, Micanopy) on his way from Ft. Brooke (Tampa) to Ft. King (Ocala)
More then 110 killed (rivals "Custer's Last Stand" as U.S. Army’s most embarrassing loss), with Thompson being killed the same day (only 3 Seminoles killed)
The U.S. Army also decides to send more troops to Florida and the Florida militia is called up by Gov. John Eaton.
Gen. Duncan Clinch (U.S. Army) / Gen. Richard Call (Florida militia) lead over 1,500 soldiers into Florida (with a new U.S. strategy of making war on Seminole villages (instead of hunting the warriors down)
By 1837, Gen. Thomas Jesup (new U.S. commander in Florida) convinced over 700 Seminoles to leave for the reservation in Oklahoma (Osceola sneaks into Ft. Brooks and forces them to return to the woods, disrupting U.S. plans)
“Battle of Okeechobee” With Osceola gone, the "Battle of Okeechobee" in 1837 was the last real battle between the Seminoles (led by Alligator) and the U.S. Army (led by Gen. Zachary Taylor)
In January 1838, Osceola dies of malaria / throat inflammation (his body is beheaded by U.S. soldiers before he is buried)
Section Four
In 1842, the "Armed Occupation Act" allowed these men to take land in Florida (create a buffer between settlers and Seminoles)
Florida cattlemen also began moving their herds into Seminole territory (worried that the Seminoles would interfere)
In 1855, Billy Bowlegs goes to Washington to negotiate the final removal of the Seminoles from Florida (to stop violence that is beginning again in Florida)
Since the grove was owned by Bowlegs, 35 Seminoles attack (2 soldiers killed) Gov. James Broome calls out the Florida militia as Bowlegs decides to stay and fight
Only real battle was near Ft. Mead (30 Seminoles killed), most of the war was guerilla warfare
U.S. sets up a bounty system ($500 male / $250 female / $100 kids) rather than be pulled into another long, bloody war with the Seminoles (hundreds of “bounty hunters” flood in)
1. Over 1,500 U.S. soldiers killed (more than all other Indian wars combined) 2. 4,000 Seminoles relocated to Oklahoma Seminoles escape to the Everglades 4. Loss of the Seminole culture.