Project 3 Establishing Business Relations By Cherry Lu.


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Presentation transcript:

Project 3 Establishing Business Relations By Cherry Lu

 I. Learning Objectives  II. Introduction  III. Task One Establish Business Relations  IV. Task 2 Establish Business Relations with an Exporter  V. Practice

 Knowledge objectives :  ☆ You should be able to know the structure of the letter of establishing business relations.  ☆ You should be able to grasp the useful expressions related to business relations establishment.  Capability objectives :  ☆ You should be able to obtain new firms’ information from varied channels.  ☆ You should be able to establish business relations with an exporter/importer/manufacturer by writing.

 Background  When engaging in international trade, businessmen are likely to be dealing with people from all over the world. Establishing business relations with the potential customers in foreign countries is the first step in a transaction in foreign trade and it is very important for a company to increase profits and customer lists, so as to start business, maintain business or enlarge business.  If a company wants to sell something to or buy something from firms in foreign countries, one must first of all find out the new firms’information.

 1. Banks  2. Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries  3. Trade Directory  4. Chinese Commercial Counsellor ’ s office in foreign countries  5. Business Houses of the same trade  6. Advertisement  7. Internet  8. trade fair

1. Banks

 B2B ( Business To Business ) denoting trade between commercial organizations rather than between businesses and private customers  Websites:    Internet Task: please go online to find out the information of three buyers for your products.

China Import and Export Fair Guangzhou Trade Fair The Fair, comprehensive in nature, has won its renown of “China’s No.1 Fair” for the longest history, the highest level, the largest scale, the most complete exhibit variety, the biggest buyer attendance, the broadest buyer distribution, the greatest business turnover, and the best credit standing in China Trade fair

It is an event at which people introducing their company and products in order to promote sales. 4. Business Promotion

 Students are divided into 6 groups. Two groups are supposed to be a manufacturer and write a letter to an importer. Two groups are supposed to be an exporter and write a letter to an importer. Two groups are supposed to be an importer and write a letter to an exporter.

1 Tell the recipient how his information is known. We had your name and address from Part Content Example 2 Express your wish to establish business relations. We would like to take this opportunity to enter into trade relations with you. 3 Introduce your own company briefly. State simply what you can sell (or what you want to buy) We have been importer of kitchen appliances for many years. We specialize in the export of air conditioners, electric fans and refrigerators. 4 Express your hope of receiving a reply. We look forward to your early reply.  How to write a letter of establishing business relations ?

 Get the concerning information about the recipient  1. We have heard from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.  2. We learn from... that your firm specializes in...  3. Through the courtesy of..., we have learned that you are one of the leading importers of...  4. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese..., which comes within the frame of our business activities.  Introduce your own company:  5. We are one of the leading exporters in China and we specialize in the export of air conditioners, electric fans and refrigerators.  6. We are one of the largest manufacturers in our country and have handled a wide range of household electric appliances.  7. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-operated corporation dealing exclusively in Light Industrial Goods.  8. We have been in this line of business for many years.  Enter into business relations:  9. We are writing to express our wish to establish business relations with you.  10. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what one has for what one needs.  11. As the commodities falls within the scope of our business activities, we would like to express our wish to enter into relations with you.

 1. Students write the letter of task 1.  2. Students present their letter  3. Learn specimen letter 1 and letter 2.

February 3, 2013 Dear Sirs, Establishing Business Relations Having obtained your name and address from the Chamber of Commerce, we know that you are in the market for home electric appliances. We would like to take this opportunity to enter into trade relations with you on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We are a leading exporter in China, specializing in air conditioners, electric fans and refrigerators. Our products have enjoyed great popularity in the European market. We are airmailing you under separate cover our brochure for 2013 and a price list for your reference. We will send the quotation to you as soon as we receive your specific enquiries. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, Dowcan Trading Co., Ltd. David Letter 1: An exporter writes to an importer

 Notes :  1. Having learnt/known /obtained your name and address from…  2. Chamber of Commerce 商会  3. be in the market for 想要购买  e.g. 顺德进出口公司想要购买化工产品  Shunde Import & Export Company is in the market for industrial chemicals.  e.g. 从商会获悉,你们有意采购电器用具。  We have heard from Chamber of Commerce that you are in the market for Electric Appliances.  4. home electric appliances  家用电器  5. take this opportunity  6. enter into trade relations 建立贸易关系  establish business/trade relations with sb. 与某人建立业务 / 贸易关 系  build up business relations 建立业务关系  set up trade relations 建立贸易关系  7. on the basis of equality and mutual benefit 在平等互利的基础上  8. a leading exporter 主要的出口商  a leading importer 主要的进口商  a leading manufacturer 主要的生产商

 9. specialize in : study or work in one narrow part of a general field.  专营  我们专营工艺品  We specialize in the import and export of Arts and Crafts.  10. air conditioner 空调  11. enjoy great popularity 享有盛誉  enjoy high reputation 享有盛誉  12. under separate cover 另寄  by separate post 另寄  by separate mail The goods are most popular with our customers The goods have commanded a good market. The goods are selling fast (or enjoy fast sales) The goods are universally acknowledged

 13. brochure:  sales brochure 推广小册子, 宣传品  ※ booklet  ※ leaflet: printed sheet (unbound but sometimes folded)  散页的印刷品, 传单  ※ pamphlet: small paper covered book

 14. for one’s reference 以供参考  for one ’ s consideration  for one ’ s requirement  for one ’ s information  15. specific enquiry 具体询盘

 March 16, 2013   Dear Sirs,   Establish Trade Relations   Through the courtesy of James Brown, we learn that you have been an importer of home appliances for many years. We would like to enter into trade relations with you.  We have been manufacturing home electric appliances for many years. At present, we are keen to extend our oversea market. To give you a general idea of our various kinds of products, we enclose you our catalogue covering our export range, together with the price list for your information.  We are looking forward to hearing from you.   Yours faithfully,  Caso Trading Co., Ltd.  Coco Letter 2: A manufacturer writes to an exporter

 Notes :  1. through the courtesy of … 承蒙 …… 的介绍  2. home electric appliances 家用电器  household electric appliances 家用电器  3. be keen to 热衷于,渴望  4. to give you a general idea of …  5. enclose 附上  enclosure 附件  attachment 附件  随函附上我方价目表一份  We enclose a copy of our price list.  6. export range 出口范围  7. together with  8. price list

 January 6, 2013   Dear Sir,  We have learned from that you are a leading importer of household electric appliances. We are writing to you with a view to establishing business relations with you.  We, therefore, take pleasure in informing you that we are one of the largest manufacturers in our country and have handled a wide range of home appliances, including: electric kettle, coffee maker, toaster, vacuum cleaner, induction cookers and so on. We believe you will find our products will be good sellers in your market.  We enclose a copy of our latest catalogue covering the details of all the items available at present. We hope you will find plenty to interest you in it.  Your early reply would be highly appreciated.   Yours faithfully,  Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.  John  Letter 3: A manufacturer writes to an importer how to obtain the recipient’s information intention Introduce your own company Express your hope

 Notes:  1. Alibaba   阿里巴巴为全球领先的小企业电子商务公司,也是阿里巴巴集团的旗舰业务。阿里巴巴在 1999 年 成立于中国杭州市,通过旗下三个交易市场协助世界各地数以百万计的买家和供应商从事网上生意。 三个网上交易市场包括:集中服务全球进出口商的国际交易市场、集中国内贸易的中国交易市场,以 及透过一家联营公司经营、促进日本外销及内销的日本交易市场。此外,阿里巴巴也在国际交易市场 上设有一个全球批发交易平台,为规模较小、需要小批量货物快速付运的买家提供服务。所有交易市 场形成一个拥有来自 240 多个国家和地区超过 6,100 万名注册用户的网上社区。阿里巴巴在大中华地 区、印度、日本、韩国、欧洲和美国共设有 70 多个办事处。 阿里巴巴电子商务大中华地 区印度日本韩国欧洲美国  2. with a view to 意在  with a view to doing  3. manufacturer  manufacture  manufactory  4. range  a wide range of  5. electric kettle 电热水壶  6. toaster 烤箱

 7. vacuum cleaner 吸尘器  8. induction cookers 电磁炉  9. a good seller 畅销品  a quick seller 畅销品  10. catalogue 目录  latest catalogue  illustrated catalogue  11. available 可用的, 可得到的, 可供应的,  goods available 可供之货  stock available 可供之货

 Task  Dowcan Trading Co., Ltd. handles export of air conditioners, electric fans and refrigerators. You are David, the sales manager of Dowcan Trading Co., Ltd.. You get the information about a new customer, Moco Co., Ltd. in England, who wants to import some home appliances. Please write a letter to establish business relations with Moco Co., Ltd.

1 Tell the recipient how you got the contact information. We have your name and address for the Chamber of Commerce. Part Content Example 2 Express your wish to establish business relations. We would like to establish trade relations with you. 3 Introduce your own company briefly. Request general information. We are a leading importer and in the market for home appliances. We would like you to send us your catalogue and price list. 4 Express your hope of receiving a reply. We look forward to hearing from you.  How to write a letter of establishing business relations ?

March 9, 2013 Dear Sirs , Establish Trade Relations We obtained your name card from China Import and Export Fair last month. We were much impressed by the products you displayed at the trade fair and we are writing to express our wish to establish business relations with you. We have been importer of home electric appliances for many years. At present, there is a heavy demand in the market here for various kinds of electric irons, washing machines, microwave ovens and rice cookers. We would appreciate it if you would send us information about product range, including a quotation sheet. If your prices are competitive we would expect to place large orders with you. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully, Della Export & Import Co. Tony Smith Letter 4: An importer writes to an exporter

 1. Notes  1. business card  2. China Import and Export Fair 中国进出口商品交易会  中国进出口商品交易会,又称广交会 (canton fair) ,创办于 1957 年春季, 每年春秋两季在广州举办,迄今已有 55 年历史,是中国目前历史最久、层次 最高、规模最大、商品种类最全、到会采购商最多且分布国别地区最广、成 交效果最好、信誉最佳的综合性国际贸易盛会。网址:  3. trade fair 交易会  4. a heavy demand 大量的需求  5. electric irons 电熨斗  6. microwave ovens 微波炉  7. quotation sheet 报价单

 9. quotation 报价  10. competitive  competitive 有竞争力  competitive price 具有竞争力的价格 competitive price power capacity edge

 Manufacturer/exporter :  Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. founded in 2000, is located in Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, with an area of 100 thousand square meters. Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. is one of the largest manufacturers of household electric appliances in China, professionally manufactures, develops, sells small household electric appliances, such as electric kettle, coffee maker, toaster, electric iron, juice machine, rice cookers, induction cookers, vacuum cleaner and so on. Products are exported to Europe, North America, Australia, Eastern Europe, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions. Competition strategies of low costs, advanced technology and focusing on global small household electric appliance market, has made Homestar a large scale corporate with more than 9 thousand employees and become the world widely renowned and important household electric appliance manufacturer.Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.  Address: NO.47 Tongxing Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China  Telephone: Fax: 

 Importer:  Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd., located in Victoria, Australia, is an international purchaser of home electric appliance. It was established in It needs to buy small household electric, so it is looking for a reliable supplier. Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd.  PO Box 457, Doncaster East, Victoria, Australia  Telephone: 

Now, it is time for you to write a letter to establish business relations with Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd.. Keep in mind that you are John, the sales representatives of Guangdong Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. who is a manufacturer. Please write your letter in the following box.Sunny Trading Pty. Ltd..Homestar Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.

 Practice: Write a letter to establish business relations with an exporter  Suppose you are an importer, write a letter to a foreign company (The Eagle Pan Company) for establishing business relations covering the following contents:  1. how you obtain the information of The Eagle Pan Company  2. your information and business scope (home electric appliances)  3. your purpose of writing the letter  4. ask them to send you catalogue and price list