Prove it, Quadrilateral. 1.Login to 2.Click on “Geometry Common Core” under “Program” menu. 3.Find and click Chapter 6. 4.Find and click Section Find and click problem 2 (found on page 370). 6.Complete the interactive problem by watching the video and working through it in your math notebook. You will use the Pearson online component of the textbook to watch and prove that a given quadrilateral is a parallelogram. This task uses: Online Pearson textbook at Learning Objective(s): The student will prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. S SUBSTITUTION Technology acts a direct substitute, with no functional improvement
Graph it, Formula it, Prove it. 1.Open a new board in the Geogebra App on your iPad. 2.Construct your given 4 points to form a quadrilateral. 3.Using the formulas, calculate the distances of all four sides. 4.Using the formulas, calculate the slopes of all four sides. 5.Take a screen shot of the completed quadrilateral to save to the camera roll. 6.Upload the image into my Blackboard class and write your reasoning that proves that the quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. You will use the math app (Geogebra) to construct a given quadrilateral and prove that it is also a parallelogram. This task uses: iPad App: Geogebra CPSB Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The students will construct a given quadrilateral and use the formulas to prove that the quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. A AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement.
Prove it and Stoodle it. 1.Using the QR reader, scan the given QR code to enter your group’s whiteboard. 2.Enter your nickname. 3.Using the Chat feature, determine who will write in which color (different ones). 4.Using the Chat feature, determine which member will get one of the following jobs: 1) Graph 2) Slope Formula, 3) Distance, Formula 4) Conclusion 5.Complete the assigned problem. 6.Student (1) graphs the four points and constructs a quadrilateral. 7.Student (2) writes the slope formula for the students. 8.Student (3) writes the distance formula for the students. 9.Student (4) will draw the conclusion & completes the proof at the finale. 10. Students will rotate so each student completes the distance and slope of one side (total of 4 sides). Student 1 screen shoots each side calculation. 11.Once the Proof is complete, Student 1 will submit on Blackboard by uploading the screen shots to our class. You will use this website to collaborate and prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. This task uses: Website: Stoodle CPSB Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The students will collaborate to prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. M MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.
Watch Me Teach. 1.Use the iMovie on the iPad to make a max 5 minute video proving that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. Save the video by sending it to the iPad camera roll. 2.Use to create an animated / narrated introduction to your proof video. (Max 1 minute) Save it to your desktop. 3.Open up Safari on the iPad and upload your proof video to our Blackboard class. 4.Open up Chrome on the laptop and upload your introduction video to our Blackboard class. 5.Once all the videos have been uploaded, view and comment on at least 2 other videos and provide a star rating for each of them. You will create a video of yourself proving that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. This task uses: iPads: iMovie Laptop: CPSB Blackboard Learning Objective(s): The students will create a video and provide peer feedback on other videos to prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. R REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable.
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Task OverviewLearning Objective(s)Suggested Technology You will create a video of yourself proving that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. The students will create a video and provide peer feedback on other videos to prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. iPads: iMovie Laptop: CPSB Blackboard You will use this website to collaborate and prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. The students will collaborate to prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. Website: Stoodle You will use the math app (Geogebra) to construct a given quadrilateral and prove that it is also a parallelogram. The students will construct a given quadrilateral and use the formulas to prove that the quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. iPad App: Geogebra CPSB Blackboard You will use the Pearson online component of the textbook to watch and prove that a given quadrilateral is a parallelogram. The student will prove that a given quadrilateral is also a parallelogram. Online Pearson textbook at Louisiana Math Standard (include description): G-CO.C.11 Prove theorems about parallelograms. Theorems include: vertical angles are congruent, opposite angles are congruent, the diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other, and conversely, rectangles are parallelograms with congruent diagonals. G-SRT.B.5 Use congruence and similarity criteria for triangles/quadrilaterals to solve problems and to prove relationships in geometric figures. Teacher: Robert Prejean MODIFICATION Technology allows for significant task redesign.. REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change. transformation enhancement