§3-3 Rate of Change and Slope
Rate of Change Time Walking (seconds) Distance Walked (feet) This means you walked 4 feet every second.
Rate of Change Number of Floor Tiles Area of Tiled Surface (in 2 ) in 2 Number of tiles This means 16 in 2 of surface is tiled for each floor tile that is used.
Examples Number of Computer Games Total Cost ($) Time Driving (h) Distance Traveled (mi)
Linear or Not Linear? If the rate of change is CONSTANT through the entire function, then the function is linear. A positive rate of change indicates an increase over time. A negative rate of change indicates that a quantity is decreasing.
Slope from a Graph
Examples 7.
Examples 9.
Substitute your values in Simplify! Slope from 2 Points
Finding a Missing Coordinate Start with your slope formula! Plug in your values and Simplify! Find the cross products! Solve!
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