Working with Youth A guide for VT Engage volunteers
Table of Contents Included in this training... 1.When might you work with youth as a volunteer 2.Why we need guidelines for working with youth 3.Preparing to work with youth 4.Guidelines for youth work 5.Recognizing and reporting suspected abuse and neglect 6.Quiz
When might you work with youth as a VT Engage volunteer? Youth: anyone between the ages of 0 and 18. Programs explicitly designed to work with youth: afterschool programs, etc. In all co-curricular programs where you are working in community, including but not limited to service immersion trips and day long service events. Even if you are not explicitly serving as a mentor with youth, these restrictions still apply!
Why do we need these guidelines? In 2000, there were almost 9000 confirmed cases of abused or neglected children in Virginia alone (VA DSS) Adult caretakers are on the front line of recognizing and halting these crimes Protection of child and of volunteer
Preparing to serve with youth Know your organization! Ensure that you have complied with the organization’s background check requirements. Don’t know what they are? Ask! Participate in any orientation or training your organization offers. Does your organization have policies or practices for volunteers working with youth? A code of ethics? Find out any expectations they might have. Know the disciplinary/positive reinforcement procedures the organization has in place.
Guidelines for Youth Work
Two adults should be present at all times with the youth you are serving. At least one of those adults should be a staff member or official background checked volunteer with the organization. At no time should two non-background checked volunteers be supervising youth. If you find yourself in a 1:1 situation with a child, make sure you stay in full view of other children or staff. Do not close doors or otherwise isolate yourselves. Guidelines for Youth Work Limit 1:1 Interactions
Guidelines for Youth Work Appropriate Communication YES Praise/positive reinforcement for good work or behavior Appropriate Discipline Name the unacceptable behavior and inform the child of the acceptable alternative(eg “we do not throw blocks, we use them for building”) Know your organization’s disciplinary procedures NO Sexually provocative or degrading comments Any comments on children’s appearance Risqué jokes Foul language Inappropriate Discipline Physical punishment Ridicule
Guidelines for Youth Work Physical Behavior YES: Appropriate high fives Pats on the back or shoulder (in some contexts) Keep in mind some youth (and adults) don’t like to be touched at all. Always ask. NO: Inappropriate Hugging Patting the buttocks Intimate contact Corporal punishment Anything the child is uncomfortable with
Guidelines for youth work: Out of program contact Limit all out of program contact not approved by the child’s parent or guardian. Contact information: Do not give out or solicit personal contact information, including cell phone numbers and . Social media: Do not friend request or accept friend requests from youth you work with.
Recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect
Department of Social Services Training Please take the following training on recognizing and reporting abuse and neglect. d_reporters/cws5691/
Further Reading/Sources df/PreventingChildSexualAbuse-a.pdf Fort Hill United Methodist Church Child/Youth/Vulnerable adult protection policy