WHAT WE WILL COVER Observing Children Child Development Theorist Toddlers- Physical, Emotional, Social, and Intellectual Development Preschoolers- Physical, Emotional, Social, and Intellectual Development
PRESCHOOL OBSERVATIONS You will be required to observe in the Title One Preschool at least one hour/month. You may do this during your AUT/advisory or if you get done with your work early you may go doing our class. It can be done over several class periods or in just one class. You will have an observation sheet to fill out for each month. You will also have a notebook to sign in and out.
CELL PHONE POLICY Same policy as last semester. We will have tech breaks again.
IF YOU ARE ABSENT It is your responsibility to check my calendar on the Rock Bridge website to find out what we did in class the day you were absent.. Any missing quizzes will need to be made up during your AUT/Advisory/ARC.
GRADING If you want credit for missing assignments, it must be turned in before IPRs or the missing work will become a 0.