Welcome to Fourth Grade
Moving into 4 th Grade concrete thinkingabstract thinking skill acquisitionskill application learning to readreading to learn
“Ratchet Year” Increased academic challenge More emphasis is placed on: problem solving making inferences cause and effect justifying communicating in formal language effective writing skills multi-step questions
Increased student responsibility Students are expected to: work more independently write down assignments as directed complete and turn in work without specific, personal invitations ask about make-up work take responsibility for their actions
Steps to Success Follow directions: Listen to and follow classroom instructions. Read carefully and follow directions. Students can no longer just do what it “looks like” they should do. Directions may change several times within a paper. Provide answers to all parts of questions.
Use Time Wisely: Time on Task: Focus on the task at hand Limit trips to bathroom/water fountain/nurse to what is necessary Control talking and story-telling Have necessary supplies and snack
Work ethic: Students should: Answer in complete sentences, using correct punctuation. Spell words correctly when copying from a worksheet or book. Always show work and label correctly. Produce thoughtful, quality work in a timely manner. Check work before turning in. Ask questions when they don’t understand. Students who have managed to skate by with A’s with minimal effort and product will probably find a significant drop in grades if they continue this practice.
Correct and Returns/Tests Homework: No Correct and Returns Daily Work: 2 Correct and Returns per 9 weeks per subject (for a grade up to a 70) Tests: 1 Corrected per 9 weeks per subject (for a grade up to a 70) – Spelling tests cannot be corrected for a higher grade. No district tests will go home with students – test corrections will be completed at school
Learn how to study: Should parents help students study? YES! Strategies and skills – Learning what works for them Take textbooks, journals, handouts home to study Go back into the text and use resources Cannot just memorize and regurgitate Organization – Colored folders and binders help organize materials
Assignment and Responsibility Folder (Red Folder) Front pocket is for school work that needs to be returned to school. Please put any notes, checks, etc. that need to be returned to school in the front pocket. Back pocket is for graded work, PTO fliers, and other items of information. Please remove these papers and go over the newsletter and your child’s graded work with them as needed. Assignment and Responsibility Folder
(Red Folder) Students record assignments and upcoming tests on the front of the page. HW due
The back of each sheet is for teacher/parent communication regarding behavior, missing homework, etc. Please initial any comments daily. Sign on Monday at the bottom of the page for the previous week to let us know you have seen the newsletter and graded work. Please sign only one week at a time.
About Homework... : Math and Reading packets given on Monday, due Thursday Spelling lists given on Monday, test Friday Unfinished class work may be assigned as homework Other homework may be assigned from time to time Work is due at the beginning of the day – 10 points per day is deducted for late work and folders will be signed each day the work is not turned in Yes, parents may help and check; that’s not cheating.
Reading and 30 Book Challenge At home, students need to read a minimum of 20 minutes a day, Monday thru Thursday. This will be part of their daily homework. 30 Book Challenge - This challenge is to inspire and encourage our children to read. Research shows that children who read are life long learners. Historical Fiction
Study Aids… Spelling – Social Studies – Scholastic Book Orders Class Activation Code: LRBLK
Attendance: School hours are 7:40 – 2:45. Students should be in the classroom by 7:40 when the tardy bell rings. This gives them the opportunity to settle in for the day and reduces stress. Regular attendance is very important. We understand there are times when your child will have to miss school for medical appointments. Please try to schedule at the very end of the day if possible. Students must have a note when they return to class in order for their absence to be excused. While we don’t want students to miss class, we also don’t want them to come when they are ill for the sake of their health and the health of others.
Communication Newsletter, spelling list, schedule, and other information are available on our BISD website ( Graded work goes home in red folder on Mondays. – Our conference time is from 9:25 to 10:15 a.m. If you after that time, please know we may not be able to read it until after school. If you send information about a change in transportation, we will respond when we read the . Please call if you don’t get a response. It is helpful to put student name and message topic in subject line: Eric, transportation change today Student Use of Classroom Phone – should be limited to emergencies, changes in school-related activity schedules, and unusual circumstances. Please try to communicate to your child how they are getting home before they come to school.
Other Notes…. Textbooks need to be covered – If you buy book socks, the jumbo size is needed for our books. Students are issued 2 textbooks. Cell phones may not be used at school. If your child has a cell phone, it should be turned off and kept in their backpack during school hours. Toys are not allowed at school. Snacks –Our lunchtime is 12:20p.m., so we have a morning snack time around 10:15 a.m. We recommend that your child bring a healthy snack that can be eaten while they work. Birthdays - We cannot have birthday parties, but students may provide cookies or cupcakes at the end of the day (2:30pm). If you send a cookie cake, please make sure it is cut in the appropriate number of pieces. Napkins are appreciated. PTO – We encourage you to join the PTO. They provide wonderful support for our school. (Forms are on the back counter.)
March 29 th & 30 th – Writing STAAR - Passages to Revise and Edit – Multiple Choice - Expository Composition - Personal Narrative Composition May 9– Math STAAR May 10– Reading STAAR
Field Trips: December 17 – 1:00 p.m. – Fine Arts Presentation of The Ten Tenors at Champion High School. (Due to limited seating, this field trip is for students only.) Date TBD – Mission San Jose (springtime)
Welcome to Fourth Grade