SEPTEMBER 24th 2013
The highest possible achievement for every individual by fostering a sense of individual responsibility in students. To be at a school with a good reputation both locally and nationally. To develop academically, socially and personally. To enjoy the learning experience & become a successful learner. To offer parents high quality information about the progress of their child across the year.
The ‘target grade’ is the grade a student should achieve if they are going to make good progress from one key stage to the next. It is within the student’s capabilities, but involves an element of stretch or challenge. It is not a guarantee & will require a committed approach to study if the student is to achieve this grade. It is not a maximum, and a student may exceed their target.
At all levels the target grades are designed to give your child the best opportunities so that they can compete with other pupils from other best schools in the area and the country. Target grades are a guide; we hope some students will surpass them, others will find them challenging.
Maximising Achievement Flight Path Y7Y11Y9 KS2 APSY6Y7Y8Y9Y11 Target Grade 355A6B7C7AA 335B6C6A7BA/B 315C5A6B7CB 294A5B6C6AC/B 274B5C5A6BC 254C4A5B6CC 233A4B5C5AD/C 213B4C4A5BD 193C3A4B5CD 172A3B4C4AE/D 152B3C3A4BE 132C2A3B4CE 11B/N2B3C3AE
We report it to you termly on a progress report. The report will contain not just data about grades but also attitude to learning. We analyse the data and use it to identify potential underachievement and high achievement. We may interview students who appear to be underachieving and offer them a range of support We monitor controlled assessment and offer support to those who are not completing pieces successfully But at any time if you are worried please contact us directly at school.
No more Modular examinations, all linear, so very few opportunities to re-sit. Virtually all subjects have one examination in summer 2015 BTEC subjects have an examined element also The result of this is that your children will have a concentrated period of examinations in Summer Because of this change we, as a school, will be having internal examinations in Summer 2014, June and December 2014 These internal examinations will help to decide tiers of entry for the 2015 Summer examinations and may have an impact on setting etc at the start of Year 11
The form tutors deliver a tutorial session lasting minutes every morning prior to period 1. There are a variety of different activities that are focussed on during this time. There is a purpose as to why we incorporate the selected activities in our Y10 programme. The Y10 tutorial programme is customised to suit your child's needs, and is different to other year groups programmes.
After reviewing; attitude to learning grades (1-5 shown on report), behavioural incidents, MEG’s (minimum expected grades) and areas of strength and weakness for both boys, girls and the two combined, the following programme was developed, to improve these areas.
Silent reading (Malorie Blackman – Noughts and Crosses) – To improve literacy levels across the cohort, students write down words/phrases they do not understand and research them in their own time to develop their vocabulary, improve spelling and understand the context the words are used in.
Key Skill sessions – Focussing on letter writing, applying for different jobs, understanding the skills required for specific jobs, development of their Curriculum Vitae (CV), understanding their MEG’s, target setting, study skills.
Planner, equipment, punctuality and attendance checks are carried out on a daily basis to ensure all students are fully prepared for the days learning. This was introduced as an increasing percentage of Y10 students received sanctions for incorrect equipment, being late or not recording homework in their planners. The amount of sanctions issued has lowered significantly since the introduction of this activity.
90% attendance is half a day off every week In a year that is 20 days off (nearly 4 weeks) In secondary school (Yr 7-11) that is half a year off! 38 school weeks
% 60% 46% 35% 27% 20% GCSE/GNVQ achievements for year by total absence 5+ A*-C grades (including English and Maths) Total absence % who achieved >15 days days days days days 35+ days The minimum qualification for a service industry job will soon be this… Taking time off and its impact on your future! 90% 80%
Assembly – focus on improving the moral, social, cultural qualities of our students through presentations on; key dates, role models, holidays, seasons, bullying, development, school expectations and procedures, achievements, success stories, rewards, positive attitudes, form representatives and learning.
Competition through sport – We have played bench ball and are now playing rounders as form groups in order to develop teamwork, competitiveness and tolerance of others. This activity was introduced to the cohort as there were an increasing percentage of incidents where students were sanctioned for inappropriate behaviour/language to others in their year group. The amount of sanctions has since decreased.
The tutorial programme continues to develop and evolve and we are looking forward to introducing mentoring and further development of key skills this year. There are 2 planned days coming up in November where the University of Herts and an external production team (PSHCE linked) are presenting different activities linked to the tutorial programme via a carousel day for Y10 students. This will be an excellent opportunity for all Y10 students to develop understanding and knowledge of the high expectations the school and the world has of young people in modern society.
It is our job to make sure students are fully prepared in all aspects of their lives for when they leave school, the tutorial programme develops these skills and is an essential part of the school day.
If we act in partnership our students / your children will benefit If we trust each other to have the best interests of the child at heart then progress, both academic and personal will be made But you can also contact your child’s Form Tutor and myself at any time if you have academic concerns.