WHAT IS BULLYING? Bullying is intimidating or subjecting a person to hostility or ill treatment. Involves actions which cause another person to feel afraid, humiliated, embarrassed, threatened, or shamed Occurs in a relationship in which there is an imbalance of power. Is repetitive over time TYPES OF BULLYING Verbal- Teasing, jokes, gossip, threats Physical- Pushing, shoving, punching Social- Leaving others out, ignoring/isolating others Cyber bullying- Threats, gossiping, or spreading rumors on the internet or by texting on your cell phone
EFFECTS OF BULLYING Physical EffectsEmotional Effects Stomach aches Alienation Weight gain/loss Low self esteem HeadachesInsecurity Drop in gradesFear Physical aggressionDepression Suicidal Withdrawn HomicidalAnger/Aggression
WARNING SIGNS OF BULLYING Frequently teased, taunted, intimidated, name-calling Has belongings taken or damaged Few or no close friends at school Frequently socially isolated Less assertive Appears weak or easily dominated Tries to stay close to a teacher or other adult May start to bully or pick on a younger sibling
RECOMMENDATIONS IF YOU SUSPECT YOUR CHILD IS BEING BULLIED Do not encourage your child to fight back. Two wrongs do not make a right! Listen to your child, do not ignore your child’s plea for help. Do not confront the parents or the other child directly. Avoid bringing your child and the bully together to elicit an apology or resolve the issue.
WHAT TO DO IF YOU SUSPECT YOUR CHILD OF BEING BULLIED Talk to your child- If your child is being bullied, they need to have a vice in how the situation is handled. Contact the school- Set up a meeting with your child’s teachers and/or counselor. Develop a plan for keeping your child safe, particularly during venerable times (lunch, class breaks)> Find out what activities or counseling options are available for your child MSGA’s school counselor is Mrs. Riggio. She can be reached by or ext: 6031