10 worst personal statement mistakes
1 Dull Opening Paragraph First impressions are so important whether it’s a first meeting with a person or the first sentence of a paper. Your personal statement should start with a sentence that piques the interest of your readers. The aim is to make a positive impact in your opening paragraph because it will the stage for a lasting opinion. That’s why it is important to undergo personal statement proofreading to avoid the mistake of making boring and uninteresting opening paragraphs.
2 Overly Brief Statement Hiring committees are giving you a chance to make the most of your personal statement. When your statements are too brief, they might think you are not taking the process seriously especially if the content is irrelevant and uninteresting. Therefore, you must proofread personal statement to make sure you are maximizing the amount of words given to you to flaunt your talents and skills.
3 Unnatural, Verbose Language Using too many unnecessary words and/or lack of precision with the words you use is a common mistake in making personal statements for job applications. Highfaluting language with too flowery words won`t impress employers. Make use of personal statement correction to ensure your essay is clear, concise, and direct to the point and to guarantee your readers` undivided attention.
4 Poor Spelling and Grammar Nothing is more embarrassing than having too many typos in your statement of purpose. Employers may reject the candidates with unacceptable levels of spelling and grammatical errors because these display negligence and lack of commitment. It`s vital that you do sop editing to guarantee the impeccability and excellence of your work.
5 Lack of Structure In both the academic and corporate world, structured writing is important. Your personal statement is a demonstration of your ability to put together a well-structured piece of writing. Grave personal statement mistakes includes writing it without following basic sentence construction rules. Therefore sufficient time must be allotted in planning, drafting your statement, and personal statement proofreading.
6 Re-listing Information Already Provided Restating your entire resume in paragraph form is one of the mistakes in personal statement writing. You do not need to repeat information such as your name, your school and where you live unless deemed necessary. Proofread your personal statement and focus the topic on your growth, on relevant experiences, and what lessons you learned from those experiences that makes you qualified for the job.
7 Quoting Others Too Much In writing your personal statement, it is wrong to talk about someone else more than yourself. It`s good to know that a lot of people inspire you all the time, but the reader wants to know more about you and your capabilities more than that of others. If you want to quote others, focus on what you learned from this person or what their experience taught you. Do a personal statement correction to make sure you`re on the right track.
8 Lack of Passion for the Subject Among the sea of applicants, the hiring personnel will be looking out for those who are genuinely passionate about the subject. Those who are passionate about the job or study are worthy of being awarded the position. You need to do an sop editing and make sure your personal statement is telling readers that you are more than just interested but are passionate about it.
9 Too much information Uncovering yourself too much is a huge mistake in writing personal statements. Some statements involve emotional, very personal and even cathartic disclosures. Going into graphic detail about your personal life not only exposes you but it will disinterest your readers. Remember that you are writing to strangers, so undergo personal statement proofreading, and when in doubt edit out something that exposes you too much.
10 Too Generic Employers will go through hundreds of applications all day so your personal statement should stand out for you to earn the spot. There should be a touch of your personality, enthusiasm and insight that will set your application apart from the rest. Proofread personal statement to make sure you avoid making a too generic statement.
Need help proofreading your personal statement to avoid such harsh mistakes? We have just the solution for you. We are a team of professionals that offer high grade personal statement proofreading services. By employing our help, we can assure you quality output and ensure your successful admission. You are one step away from your winning application. Visit our site now!